Strange Knights

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... Years Later

"See what I mean!" You're sitting on top of a tree as you move you kick your legs up and down.

"N-no! Why would you think that!" The little fairy crosses her arms.

"Well then don't come at me if he starts dating someone else." You rolls your eyes and you lean further back. "Just tell him how you feel."

"I'll probably stay single forever" she sighs, lowering her head.

"Come here," you open your arms out she begins to sit on your hands. "Now be positive!" You show her your smile. She crosses her brows together then smiles.

"Okay, okay! I'll just ask him. After that I'll just find someone else."

You laugh together, there were all sorts of creatures hanging around the tree. All wanting to talk to you, they were all your friends. And some of them were normal. You really felt like the forest princess here.

You all stop, hearing horses coming further towards the area. The creatures start to hide, some entering inside the tree some into the lake or even underground. But you? You headed to climb higher up the tree. Your fairy friend, Sua sits on your shoulder. You sit on the branch, holding one hand on the tree supporting yourself.

"I swear! If he finds out we've been here he's surely gonna kill us!" A voice yells out. There, two young males on their dark coloured horses walking around the area. They both looked like knights, yet they weren't wearing the correct uniforms.

Your knights uniforms were white and purple. For them, black and blue. You lean yourself at bit forward trying to hear their chat. Sua does the same, she flies down hiding behind one of the bushes. You all keep quiet not even making a sound.

"He'll wonder where we are once he comes back," They are both talking about another male? One of them gets off their horse, walking towards the edge of the lake. "I'm sure nobody will we're here." The other male says kneeling down as he uses one of his hands into the lake, swirling it around.

"Don't you think we're too close to the Kim's land?" The one of the horse says as he looks around the area. Ah~ so they aren't from here, you thought to yourself. They must be from another kingdom. Your hand nearly slips off the tree, you quickly yet quietly held it tight again. Your heart just suddenly skipped a beat.

One of the bark begins to crash into the ground, your look straight down. Oh no. "What was that!" The man kneeling up he turns towards the tree. If he looks higher he will see you. Argh! The man walks closer towards the tree bending down to pick up a piece of bark.

"Oh it's just wood" the man shrugs throwing the wood away. You place your hand around your mouth as you could clearly hear your heavy breath, it was so loud. Another noise appears but from the bushes, Sua! The man closest towards the tree turns around, "Did you hear that!" He points towards the bush.

"I swear this place is haunted, let's just head back come on Jimin!" Oh that man under the tree must be Jimin, He jumps on top of his horse and the both men began to walk further and further away. You sigh heavily.

Sua comes flying over to you, "that was... close." You say as you climb back down into the ground. "Who are those anyway?" You wipe off the little pieces of dirt from your gown.

Your dress...

"Aish!" You gasp as you found a rip on the bottom of your dress

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"Aish!" You gasp as you found a rip on the bottom of your dress. It wasn't your favourite dress but you wore it a lot. I'll just get my maids to fix it up, "I'll head back to the palace now, see you guys soon!" You wave them all goodbye as you walk towards your grey Andalusian horse.

Running out from the forest heading into the village, the people were very outgoing and always busy. They weren't poor nor rich, they were... average?

Heading through the palace gates into the gardens. "Princess!" One of the maids came running towards me pulling her dress as she ran while I hop off the horse. "Melda, I'm alright." Melda, one of the maids I'm more closest too. She use to work as my mother personal maid, to me she's like another mother.

She sighs, "let's head inside now, your father is looking for you." One of the guards come escorting my horse into the barns. "Father's looking for me?" You pick up your skirt walking up the steps walking through the tall doors.

You both head into the dining table, a really long table with 10 seats of each side and 2 each on the other. The maid bows as your father and your other brothers were all seated all facing towards you. "My king, Princess Yn is now here." Bowing towards your father you walk towards the table taking a seat next to Taehyung.

"My children," your father says as one of the maids come towards him handing him a scroll. "It seems like the war has ended." The war ending? Everyone was in complete shock. After decades of fighting all comes to an end.

"That's wonderful father!" Namjoon speaks out, your father nods as he opens the scroll reading it. "They will be arriving within this week. We will finally have peace, like you mother always wanted." You all begin to clap, finally... peace. "We have some arrangements for their arrival." Five maids come into the dining area with plates of delicious food.

Your father speaks again, "Let's eat, a small celebration." He takes a knife and fork as he cuts open the wonderful done steak.


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