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// Present day //

Afternoon, 1:15 pm.

It's been 8 months now that we broke up. I can't stand him. Whenever I saw him, the image of him making out with that woman flash in front of my eyes. He was my first love, first kiss, first relationship. He was lots of my first. I was expecting better from our relationship. I guess that was my problem, I was expecting too much. I know the truth. I given him the chance to explain himself. But I am not able to forgive him. Even if I do, someday, I won't be able to get back with him. I give him an alternative offer to be "Just friend." I know it's next to impossible to be friend with the person who you use to date and have so much history. But he is a nice person. I don't want to lose a nice friend in the process of losing a boyfriend. It's irritating to see him still trying to make it up so we can get back together. 

We were in canteen when Mahir came and join us for a lunch with a news with him. For this past 8 months I avoided him like a plague and it got difficult for our friends. As we share same circle of friends, it became hard for them to choose between him and me in certain situations. When Mahir came to have lunch with us, I used to have lunch alone in classroom. When I see him at the parking, I used to spend extra hour in library. Being in same college and same class make it so difficult to face him every day. If I chose to ignore him, it will get difficult for others. Having common friends has made me to stay in contact with him. I can't make my friend to make choice to choose anyone of us. So, now I decided to adjust a little to the situation. If I want us to stay friend, I might have to act like one. I guess there is no harm in hanging-out with each other.

"Hey. You didn't reply to my message, yesterday." he asked as he came and sit next to me on the bench.
"I fell asleep." I lied. Whereas, I was remembering about our tragic love story and cried all night. 
"Why your eyes so puffy? Did you cried?" he asked in concern.
"No. It's just. Um-" I wasn't able to come up with an excuse and he cut me midway.
"It's okay. accept that you miss me." he said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and give him resting bitch look. He ignores my death glare.

"Anyway, Thank you so much for the exception. I knew you will listen to Atharva." He said as he looks at Atharva first and then me.

"There is still a strict boundary wall that you have to follow." I said without looking at him.

"Offcourse." he said and change the topic, "You know the new teacher?" And that catches everyone's attention. Come on, it's about the hot professor. Who isn't interested to listen about him?

"Yeah, why? Is he going to teach me any subject?" Atharva asks and Mahir shakes his head to deny that.
"He isn't but he will be our new coach later." and Atharva chokes on his plain water.
"WHAT?" Atharva respond loudly.

"He will be our coach for now. Coach Mr. Rana isn't going to be around for about two months or so, I think. He informed our HOD about his health or something, not sure." Mahir as the football team captain gets the news first. Atharva tries to comprehend the news he received.
"But the football league is just few months away?"
"Yeah. But don't worry bro, I am here. If he fails to coach us, I can just report him to the principal." Mahir try to cheer his teammate as he shoves his foods into his mouth.
"He will coach us this evening?" Atharva asks for more information and Mahir nods.
"Yup, let's see if he can actually play or his bones gone rusted." Mahir said.

Afternoon, 4:30 pm.

I never go to see boys' practice after college hours. Even when Mahir use to be my boyfriend. I only went to his matches but not when he is doing training. But Anii, being all good girlfriend. She even goes to watch Atharva practice. As usual, Anii left to the football ground to watch her boyfriend play and other people left to go home. I stopped mid-way with a  curious thought.

Entangled Fate ~ Destined together. [Under Serious Edit]{ Completed }Where stories live. Discover now