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Morning, 11:45 am.

Mahir hugs me back as soon as I stroll down the hallway. "Good morning!" He almost shouts in cheerful voice. "Have lunch with me today?" I still didn't respond.

I came to college to collect my documents. All my friends already did it. They asked me to go along with them but I denied. I can't face them with my devastated look. I mean what will I answer. I can't tell them the truth, or can I? I really need someone to share my feelings with. Keeping this emotional trauma to myself, literally making my heart ache.

"Viyona? Okay then dinner. I can let your dad know." I still didn't answer him. I keep my head down, as I fill the form. He let me go and stands next to me. "Oh god what's up with your eyes?" Its red and swollen and I don't even want to cover it. I don't even want to think about what people say about me. "Hey are you okay? Did you cry last night? You should call me; I can hug you and comfort you." Mahir says as he brings up my face to look at him. "Do you want to talk about it? Documentation can wait. Let's go to terrace and talk, like we always do." I nod and he put all the forms into his bag.

I sit on the wooden stool and he places his stuff on the high counter table, next to us. "Hey don't cry again." he says as my tears falling on my cheeks. He wipes it off my face and tries to calm me down. "I don't know if you like it or not, I called Anii. I got really worried after seeing you like this. So, text her to come here." I nod with a slight smile, indicating he did great calling Anii. I really needed my best friend. "You can tell me you know? I am all ears for you. Or you can stay till Anii comes." he said and I tell him to wait for Anii to come. Till then we emptied few soda cans and instant noodles as we talk about other stuff, like plans after college, about friends, about how Atharva still trying his best to make things work out with Anii.

As soon as I saw Anii

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As soon as I saw Anii. I run into her and can't control but cry. She console me. Trying to calm me down. But I feel depressing. All this feeling rushing back with each tear roll from my eyes. She help me to sit. And then make herself comfortable next to me. Mahir siting at my front. Looking worried. After we get settled, Mahir asked me again for explanation about my condition.

Should I or should I not tell him? Does he need to know? Does he deserve to know? How will he react if he knows the truth? Will he spread it to others and I will be end up getting hurt more? Well Anii know it all. The friendship I have with Mahir, I feel like to trust him. I look at his face and he show an expression of worriedness. He is waiting for my answer. He doesn't mind if I want to tell him or not. He doesn't mind whatever my problem is to be honest. He used to listen to many of my bullshit and yet he is there to help me to solve it. But this kind of bullshit, is really a bullshit. Will this bullshit be the worst bullshit ever for him? Will he ever come out of ideas to solve this bullshit?

"So? If you don't want to talk about it, that's fine too. We can just stay like this until whenever you feel like you are okay again. I don't like to see you cry or sad. It hurts me you know." Mahir talks to break the silence. To make it less awkward. Anii pat my back to encourage me to tell him the truth. "No, don't cry aga-" his line is being interrupted by me.

Entangled Fate ~ Destined together. [Under Serious Edit]{ Completed }Where stories live. Discover now