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Morning, 9:55 am.

I don't feel like going to college. Truth is, I never feel like going to college. But my final year just got interesting. I have motivation in this semester, who help me to wake up in the morning and go to college daily. I even not bunking classes like I used to do in previous semesters. My attendance in this term is more than better and this motivation is none other than by Anzan Sir. Off course!

His smile, his voice, his scent, his mere existence keeps making me crawl back to him. Wait! crawl is bit too much. But its true that I can't get enough of him and yesterday the way he stands for me against Rihan and principal sir, having butterflies in my stomach dancing.

Even if I am injured. I got ready to go to the college right on time. I had an argument with my dad this morning, again. Yes again. It's like daily routine. Wake up, had argument with dad and go to college in fussy mood.

Topic of the argument for today was; my injury, why I put myself in dangerous situation and off course Mahir. Every argument with him always lead to one topic, Mahir. Maybe this is one of the reasons that I hate Mahir so much. I think dad should adopt him and leave me alone for fuck sake. Then only I will get 'Peace' in my life.

Ugh! Only Anzan sir can fix my mood now. So, I rush to the college without having breakfast. His presence can take my mind out from everything. He is my distraction. He is an ease to my pain.

Morning, 11 o'clock.

"Good morning class."

There he is, my man. Wait! did I just? No...No...No...No...No.... Viyona don't get your feelings so high. Control! But it's such a relief to my heart to see him. I love those days when he has morning lectures in our class, because I get to hear his raspy morning toe-curling voice. What a cheerful voice to hear something in the morning, isn't it? His deep husky voice always takes my breath away.

"Go to page no. 101 of your workbook. Try to solve this exercise because I am going to take a test on it, tomorrow. This topic is already covered 2 weeks ago. Hope you able to do it by your own. Still, if you guys feel it difficult to solve, ask me." He said and sit down on his chair to read his book. It's seems like one of those lazy days where he leave us on our own by giving us some chores to do while he read his book. No doubt he is favourite teacher among every student. Not only he keep his syllabus completed ahead of schedule time, he also fun to be teach by. We dig our head down in our books to solve long pages of numericals.

I never failed to bring my head up to notice him. He is looking gorgeous with white shirt and black sweater. He was focused in his book, but he did look over at student time to time to keep them in check. Few times our eyes meet too and I got froze on my seat while he gives me sweet smile. What's wrong with me? 

As usual, I followed my routine

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As usual, I followed my routine. After the lecture, I approach him with a silly query. I placed my workbook on his desk and glance at him.

"Yes?" He looks up.
"Can you help me with this, Sir? I am so clueless with this numerical No matter what method I try, my answer doesn't match with the answer-key." I point to the part where I said I didn't freaking understand but the fact is that I did get the answer right in my first attempt only. He reads the problem with frown eyebrows.
"Ahh! this one. Okay the mechanism of-" and the bell rings.
"Oh, times up. Do you have another class to teach after this?" I flutter my eye-lashes with full innocence and his jaw flinch for some reason which I don't able to understand. Gaining his composer back, he nods. Damn it!
"You can come to my office after college hours if you still don't understand any of it. I will be there until the football training starts." he says and picks up his stuff as soon as possible and walks away without knowing my response. That's weird of him.

Entangled Fate ~ Destined together. [Under Serious Edit]{ Completed }Where stories live. Discover now