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Next day. Back to Hyderabad.

Everyone star asking me question the other day in college. How was the seminar? Have you got time to explore Mumbai? Most importantly; How's everything went with Anzan sir? I am not able to answer their last question. What am I supposed to say? We spend really sweet time at Juhu beach and seminar aswell but next day I saw him making out with some other women. That he feed me with lies, by saying he will wait for me, he like me, he loves me. But forget about everything he said when his lust hit his balls. Why such things only happened to me? Why I always have to witness the person who I have feeling for making out with someone else? First Mahir and then Anzan sir. All men are same. They all just know how to give hope and then crush it with their own hands.

I neither looks at him nor spoke to him. Neither on plane nor in college. He tried to approach me few times, but I either change my direction or try to pretend I am busy with my friends. I tried my best not to make any eye contact with him.

After college is over, I will not even go to him with any query which I always do. I put my helmet on and about to turn my scooty when Anii came from nowhere and bump to my scooty.

"Have you gone mad? If you wanna die, die. But not with my scooty." I said in anger.
"I am sorry. But I need a favour to ask and please don't deny." She said in hurry.
"Calm down. I will do your assignment as well." I rolled my eyes. Knowing upcoming gathering events, Anii going to be super busy. 
"Thanks, but it's not about that." She laughs.
"Then what is it?"
"Please, please substituted me for today in the dance practice." She requests.

"WHAT? No way. Never gonna happen. Forget about it." I denied categorically.
"Please. I have to go home urgently. Grandma is sick. I need to take her to the hospital."
"Then ditch the practice for one day, not a big deal. Teacher will understand your genuine excuse." I suggest.
"I know. But today is the duo practice with my dance partner. I have already practiced my section, but he didn't. I already informed Shrishti ma'am that you are coming for today's practice on my place." she explain.
"What? why you have to say that to Shrishti ma'am?" she looks at me with her puppy eyes and I can't say no anymore, "How about, I go take grandma to the hospital and you go practice." I give an idea.

"Seriously? See I don't have time for unwanted conversation. Just go and substituted me for a day." She said and disappear in her car.

Evening, 5:30 pm.

"Why it's always me, who get stuck into unwanted situation." I thought and went inside the practice room and did the quick scan.

There are multiple windows at both side of the wall in a row. Few seats next to entrance. Music system and a computer at the left corner next to mini stage on which six people were there with their different instrument. There is a big wall mirror on the right wall in between two windows. On front of those two windows, table is placed and students had kept their water bottles, mini towel and mics. On the opposite side of the mirror there is a projector screen with the projector on the middle of the ceiling.

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Entangled Fate ~ Destined together. [Under Serious Edit]{ Completed }Where stories live. Discover now