Scene 19

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Sasuke holds a single rose in his hand. The deepest color of red that symbolizes his affections and loyalty to [Name]. He walks into the building; the bright lights contrast with the starless night outside.

He fixes his tie before entering the art room. The hallways leading there are filled with the more introverted people--- Sasuke's people. But being the second son of the Uzumakis, he must make an appearance.

Entering the hall, a sign displays [Name's] full name as the featuring artist for tonight's auction. He smiles at the thought of her.

His dear [Name], achieving her dreams. His dear [Name], becoming famous off of this one auction. His dear [Name], possibly waiting for him to arrive. His beloved [Name], giggling next to another man...

Sasuke approaches [Name] and Neji. "Good evening."

She perks up at hearing his voice and turns. A gasp emits from her broad smile as she jumps up to hug Sasuke. "Oh! You look so good!"

He accepts the hug, loving the warmth it brings him. He hands her the rose, and she takes it, twirling the flower in her hands.

"Sasuke," Neji speaks, standing up to shake his hand. "Long time no see. Where's the family?"

Sasuke shrugs. "I don't live with them anymore. But I'm sure they'll be here soon."

Shocked to hear this, Neji just nods. "Well, [Name] and I have become well aquatinted. She's quite the charmer."

Sasuke chuckles, his eyes squinting at the other man humorlessly. "Oh, I know. Don't get too close, though. She'll sweet talk you into anything."

[Name] nudges Sasuke playfully. "Oh, hush! Like I've ever made you do anything you didn't want to already do!"

Their conversation is cut short by the arrival of the rest of the Uzumakis.

"[Name]! Darling! We're here!" They all hear Kushina squeak from across the room. "Oh! You look so pretty!"

The two women squeak and squawk at each other about their dresses. Kushina is in a flashy pink, which is why she wanted [Name] to wear pink too--- so they could match.

But now, none of that matters. Naruto greets and hugs [Name], complimenting her and handing her an expensive bouquet. Fully in pale pink and white flowers, complemented with eucalyptus, it outshines the single rose Sasuke had just given her.

"Wow. All of this for me?" [Name] laughs, tucking the deep red rose amongst the other flowers. Because of the long, uneven stem, it sits high above the rest, not quite fitting in.

Kushina bear hugs [Name] again. "You're like the closest thing to a daughter I'll ever get! I am going to spoil you rotten." Kushina pulls back and looks between her sons. "Not that I have anything against my dearest sons or anything."

She goes over and hugs Sasuke, whispering apologies into his ear. Only he can hear. "I love you. I love you, my boy. I'm sorry. I love you. Please come home."

Sasuke pats his mother's back but says nothing in turn. He eyes down Naruto, who doesn't seem to want to lose this staring contest either.


The auction commences. Rows and rows of seats fill with people. Their get-ups rival those of royalty. Minato and Kushina are the stars of the show, looking even more elegant than the people before them. Chattering slows to whispers and then silence.

Neji offers [Name] a seat next to his, but being the artist, she must sit near Kushina and give each piece a quick blurb. She must watch as her hard work brings joy to others.

Cinema [Yandere!Sasuke x Reader] AUWhere stories live. Discover now