Scene 1

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Oh, love! The only thing that makes life worthwhile, other than pizza and sour gummy worms. The thing that people can find pride and joy in. Love makes life a little sweeter, a little brighter, a little more promising.

But sometimes love isn't right. It can be twisted, demented, heartbreaking; dark. It can make people lose their minds, lose their hope, lose their life.

Love can make you do crazy things.


It's one of those days, where Sasuke Uchiha wants to be alone with his girlfriend for the day. It's one of those days where he wants to be in her presence at all times and forever smell her flowery scent. It's one of those days where he wants to stare into her shining jade colored eyes and stroke her pretty little head whereupon her pink hair lay. It's just one of those days.

The fiery passion burning within Sakura Haruno is what caught the eye of Sasuke. The way she talks makes it seem as if she is breathing fire. The Earth trembles underneath her feet with every step she takes. The heat radiating off her skin warms his cold body every time they touch. She's like the Goddess of War and he loves her so dearly.

She's beautiful, fearless and overall powerful. And Sasuke loves a strong woman. A woman who can fight her own battles and win them as well, that's the type of woman he wants. The type of woman that could take control and keep control, that's the woman he desires.

And that's the woman he has.


The warmth of the cozy coffee shop embraces the couple as they walk in from the blizzard-like wind outside. Decked out in winter gear, they both walk up to the counter and order hot chocolate. Of course, Sasuke pays for both, in cash; simply because Sakura doesn't want to pay and Sasuke is fine with that. He comes from a wealthy family, so money is of no importance to him.

The Uchiha can buy ten foreign cars right now and still have money left over for a, you know, a mansion. Although his father scolds him whenever he spends his money carelessly, that hardly stops the young Uchiha.

Once they both receive their drinks, the couple seats themselves at the table in the corner of the cafe. They sit across from each other, taking sips of their drink and basking in the warmth that the hot chocolate momentarily gives them.

"Isn't it good Sasuke?" Sakura asks, smiling at the love of her life. Sasuke smiles back, glancing down at the cup in his hand.

"A little too sweet for my taste," he replies. "But it's good nonetheless."

Sakura nods and takes another sip of her drink while staring out the window. Sakura likes to watch other people go about their daily lives. It's something she does whenever she is bored.

"Would you like to go anywhere else?" Sasuke asks, catching Sakura's attention. She smiles and shakes her head.

"I should be getting home to study," she says. "I'm not as gifted as you are Sasuke."

She leans over the table to peck his lips gently. His lips tasted sweet thanks to the hot chocolate.

"I should get going," she says, standing from her seat. Sasuke stops her by grabbing her arm.

"You sure you don't want me to walk you home?" He asks, worries lacing his words. "I don't want anything to happen to you."

Sakura kisses her boyfriend again, though it's a kiss of reassurance than one of departure. She places her small hand on his hair, stroking his precious head. She feels lucky to have him caring for her, even after all the rejection, all the struggle she went through to have Sasuke by her side. It was all worth it since now she has his full attention and most importantly his love.

"I'll be fine Sasuke," she reassures him. "I'm tough. I'll see you later, okay?"

He nods and watches her leave. Alone, he sits at the table with the half-empty cup of hot chocolate in his hands. Sasuke doesn't know what to do with himself now, he planned on spending the whole day with his girlfriend. He stands, exiting the cafe and walking the complete opposite way from Sakura.

The strong winds blow the hood of his coat off of his head and whipping his hair up. With one hand, he holds his hood in place as he walks against the ferocious winds. It doesn't take long to return home since he takes a shortcut — which means that he has to cut through the park, five different dank, and dirty alleyways, and walk through a grocery store.

When Sasuke arrives home, he is greeted by his brother, mother, and father. Sasuke returns the greeting and escapes to his room.

His father owns a big business, and his mother owns another business within that business. His brother, well, he is most likely going to be the heir of both businesses once his father dies or retires.

Sasuke's father has hair the color of a sunflower and icy eyes. His mother has the same eyes but with shiny rubies for hair. Their son looks like an exact copy of his father but with the dazzling smile of his mother.

No, they're not Sasuke's real family, for Sasuke is adopted, but they treat him like one of their own. Even though they don't treat him like an outcast, Sasuke always feels like one.

How can he fit in with a family that looks completely different from him? He doesn't possess that amazing smile that could light up anyone's day, he doesn't have those beautiful, shining icy blue eyes like the rest of them, nor does he have the sunshine yellow hair. He's the black cloud on their sunny day, the absolute opposite of them —a contradiction.

He doesn't fit in, but they make him feel like he does.


A/N: hopefully this was a good start. Tell me what you think so far, please?
Love you bye!

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