Scene 7

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The very next morning, Sasuke awakens from his sleep and immediately sees the painting he's fallen in love with. He smiles upon seeing it and recalls the dream he had the night before. It was about the little colorful girl again, but this time, the girl grew into a woman; a beautiful woman with a glowing body, and she asked him a simple question, one that invited him to follow her but he can't recall exactly what she had said. She never had a face so it made Sasuke question how on earth she could talk - but then again it was a dream.

His smile falls as he tries his hardest to put a face to the woman in his dream. He tries putting his girlfriend's face to the body, but it just isn't right. He notices the woman in the painting doesn't have a face either, and he tries adding a face to the imagined girl too, but his imagination is so dull that he can't come up with the perfect face. All he can think of is his mother's face and his girlfriend's face.

Sasuke sits up in his bed, his back popping when he stretches. The first thing he does is take his medication that'll stabilize his mood and tempers and another that eases his anxiety. After his pills, he leaves his room and trots to the kitchen.

"Good morning mom," he says upon seeing his adoptive mother. She smiles and greets him back.

"Good morning Sasuke."

She is currently washing the dishes as he scavenges the cabinets and the refrigerator for food. He settles for cereal and leans on the counter as he eats it.

"You know Sasuke, it's three in the afternoon," Kushina states, but the words sound like the beginning of a lecture to him.

"Yeah?" He sasses back, raising an eyebrow at her.

"I don't want you sleeping all day. I think you need to do something with your life," she begins. He rolls his eyes, already knowing what comes next.

Here we go again, He mentally groans.

"I feel like you need a hobby, and I know you haven't even gone near the library yet so what better place to look up hobbies than the library. If you want to go fishing, look up a book about fishing. If you like to read about war look up a history book," she says. "I know you just bought that art piece to hang in your room, so why don't you check out a book about art or about how to sketch or something!"

Kushina huffs, noticing while she was talking, she was scrubbing the pan harder and harder. She drops the sponge and the pan into the sink and turns to Sasuke. He looks up from his bowl of cereal and they stare each other down while he still chews on the last bits.

"You're way too smart to be allowing your brain to waste away like this Sasuke," she says softly. "And I worry about you sometimes."

He finally breaks eye contact with her and looks down at his bowl full of milk.

"I'm sorry I worry you so much mom," he says as he places his bowl down on the counter. "I promise to go to the library today."

Kushina smiles and embraces her son. "Thank you, honey."

He gives her a tight squeeze before pulling away. She has that dazzling smile on her face again.

"You know," she starts, poking at his tummy. "You can also work out with your brother. Spend some quality time together."

"Are you calling me fat?" He feigns offense as he gasps. Kushina laughs as she returns to the sink.

"What I'm saying is that Sakura must miss those abs you had in college."

He pouts, crossing his arms over his chest.

"How rude!"


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