Scene 11

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The night drags on with the girls as they go to a club. It's too lively for Sasuke's liking, but [Name] encourages him to dance with her. She takes his hand, leading him to the dance floor.

Reena and May cheer them on, mostly commenting on how [Name] should acquire Sasuke's penis.

[Name] smiles as she begins to dance to the pounding beat. Her hips sway as she rests her hands against his chest. Sasuke is nervous but allows her to take the lead.

She turns around, grinding her butt against his groin. Sasuke blushes, thankful that it's so dark. He takes hold of her hips, moving his with her's to the rhythm.

The beat rings in his ears, and so does his heart. He wonders if this counts as cheating. It's just harmless fun, right?

The harmless fun ends when [Name] turns around and kisses him. Sasuke, despite his mental resistance, kisses her back.

They pull away from the simple kiss and continue to dance. Sasuke becomes braver, holding her closer as the bump and grind.

Sadly, the song comes to an end, and [Name] returns to the booth where her friends are sitting. Sasuke follows, feeling alive more than ever before.

His obsession with her starts.


The foursome return to May's apartment to watch shitty soap operas. May and Reena pass out after four, hour-long episodes, leaving Sasuke and [Name] to fend for themselves.

While [Name] eats popcorn, Sasuke fixates on her lips. A desire to kiss her again overwhelms him, and he scoots closer to her on the floor. She looks at him.

"Sorry, am I hogging the popcorn?" She slides the bowl over to him.

"No, I just," Sasuke pauses and thinks of Sakura, his girlfriend. He refocuses on the TV and doesn't finish his thought.

"Do you need to get home? I'm a little drunk, so I can't drive you, sorry."

Sasuke is unresponsive, so [Name] rests a hand on his shoulder. "Sasuke? You can stay the night. Just be out by noon."

The way she looks at him sparks something in him. A desperate need fills him, and he leans in.

"I got to have you."

For the second time that night, they kiss. It's slow and needy. They melt into one another, clinging to the thin fabric of their shirts. When [Name] tries to pull away, Sasuke fills that gap, his lips chasing after her. She puts a hand on his chest, pushing gently.

"Sasuke," she breathes, pulling away from him. "Stop, we're drunk."

It's true. They're intoxicated, but Sasuke doesn't think that has anything to do with what they're participating in right now.

"We should do more of this when our minds are clear, okay?"

It's a promise that Sasuke intends to keep.


When Sasuke wakes up at ten in the morning, [Name] is curled next to his side. A blanket is haphazardly thrown over them, and his arm wraps protectively around her.

Reena stands over them both with a knowing smile.

"Y'all fuck or what?" She asks, ripping the blanket off of them.

Sasuke scoffs, sitting up but making sure he doesn't wake [Name]. "You'd know if we'd fuck. I'm pretty loud."

Reena laughs. "Well, whatever. You should leave."

Sasuke looks down at [Name], unknowingly expressing worry.

"Don't worry, we'll take care of her."

Sasuke rubs his thumb against her slightly chapped lips, feeling that desperation from last night fill him.

He stands, locating his keys. "I'll see you later. Tell [Name] to call me."

Sasuke leaves soon after, and as he arrives home, he checks his phone. Six missed calls from Sakura, and three messages from his mother asking where he was.

He opens the door to his home and nearly gets run over by Sakura.

"Sasuke!" She cries, holding on to him. "We were so worried!"

"I was fine," he answers, hugging her back. "Why were you so worried?"

Sakura pulls back and frowns. "You left my house without any explanation of where you were going. You said you were just going with a friend."

Sasuke shrugs. "Well, I'm fine."

He downplays her worry and moves to his room. Sakura follows, growing upset with her boyfriend.

"Sasuke," she sighs, sitting on his bed. "You know why we worry. Your illness, it's-"

Sasuke cuts her off. "I was with friends, people I trust."

There's a silence, and it chokes Sakura. She glances around his room, seeing the painting hanging on the wall.

"Is this new?"

"Yes. The friend I was with last night painted this. She's great."

The pronoun hits her like a semi-truck.

She? SHE?! All the stress and anxiety from panicking about their relationship collapses on her shoulders.

"She?" She squeaks, and Sasuke nods.

"Yeah, she's great," he repeats.

"What's her name?"

Sasuke stalls, letting the question sink in. "[Name]."

Sakura hangs her head. "Sasuke, you still love me, right?"

Sasuke nods, but that doesn't comfort her.

"I want to hear you say it. Cause I love you Sasuke, but I haven't heard you say it in a while."

Sasuke turns to face Sakura and with an unfeeling expression, says, "I love you, Sakura."

It doesn't satisfy her.

"Have sex with me. Show me, you love me."

Sasuke stiffens, a wave of uncomfortableness washes over him. "I'm not in the mood."

"Let's do something romantic then."

"I'm a little tired."

Sakura throws her hands up. "Sasuke!"

"Sakura!" He mocks. He crosses his arms over his chest. "Please don't make me do things I don't want to."

She bursts into tears, holding her face in her hands. Uneasiness quivers in Sasuke's stomach as bile coats his throat. He hates when Sakura cries, it makes him sick to his stomach.

"I'm sorry."

Her tears fall on her skirt, darkening the fabric in little spots.

"Sakura, I'm sorry, please."

"You don't," she hiccups. "You don't love m-me!"

"I do! I do!" He says, pulling her hands from her face.

An image flashes into his mind. His lips connecting with [Name's], not just once, but twice. Guilt slams down on his shoulders, weighing him down.

"Please stop crying Sakura. I'll, uh, um."

He ponders what he could do to make her happy. "I'll take you on a date!"

The tears stop almost instantaneously. Sakura lifts her head,  her cheeks and eyes are red. A small smile compliments her face.

The uneasiness doesn't leave Sasuke's gut, and neither does the uncomfortableness.

"I love you Sasuke," she says, enticing him to say it back.

"I love you too, Sakura."

This satisfies her.

Cinema [Yandere!Sasuke x Reader] AUWhere stories live. Discover now