Scene 15

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What are rainbows, exactly? A gorgeous natural phenomenon that displays vibrant colors across the sky. A reflection, refraction, and dispersion of light in water droplets.

So, in other words, rain brings rainbows.

Sasuke brought [Name].

This rain cloud that only brought grey skies and a depressing atmosphere finally brings something beautiful.

So colorful. So vibrant. So bright.

[Name]. The rainbow.

His [Name]. His rainbow.


Sasuke has never felt more tense than he is now, sitting at the dinner table. The laughter, oh, the laughter is going to kill him. What was there to laugh about? Naruto made a shitty pun, and [Name] is in hysterics.

The petty feelings Sasuke aims at Naruto unsettle something deep inside of him. In the darkest pits of himself, Sasuke knows what he's doing is wrong. The jealousy that riles his innards wants Naruto to back off. Yet, it sits with an icy stare, knowing it's committed to another woman, knows it shouldn't be in disarray over a single man courting a single, available woman, knows it shouldn't be thinking about [Name] that way.

What about Sakura? Sasuke reminds himself for the umpteenth time that he has a girlfriend as he longs for [Name's] gentle touch. He closes his eyes and drowns out the noise. The laughter, the clinking of glasses, the chewing, the scraping of forks---he drowns it all out.

Maybe [Name] isn't supposed to be mine. He thinks bitterly.

"Excuse me," he mumbles, placing down his utensils. His food barely touched. His disappearing presence barely noticed.


Sasuke isn't there when it's time for [Name] to leave, which worries her. Although she stands at the door with three out of the four Uzumaki family surrounding her, she still hopes Sasuke comes rushing down the stairs to say his goodbyes. It doesn't happen.

"Well," [Name] starts, still peeking down the hallway to search for Sasuke. "I hope he's okay."

Kushima waves it off. "Don't worry about it dearie, he does this all the time, ya know?"

"We think it's apart of his symptoms," Minato assures [Name]. "He's probably depressed about something he can't control, so we usually send Naruto up there to console him."

"Yeah! He'll be fine [Name], believe it."

[Name] smiles at the family. They all care for Sasuke, so she knows he's in good hands.

"Tell Sasuke I said goodbye then." She smiles, waves, and goes on her way. 

The door shuts with a click. Naruto's smile falters as he looks at his parents. They give him stern expressions, and he sighs.

"Right. Sasuke."

Naruto turns on his heel, aiming for Sasuke's room. He knocks once before stepping inside.

"Hey," he says.

Sasuke sits on the floor, running his fingertips over his beloved art piece. The texture of the dried, thick paint is smooth and perfect, just like the artist.


Sasuke huffs as Naruto brings him out of his thoughts. "What do you want?"

"Just checking if you're okay."

"Hn." Sasuke hides his profile from his brother. "I'm fine."

Naruto knows this is a lie. He wants to press Sasuke for answers, but there's no way he can do it without receiving backlash.

"I know that's not true," Naruto says, slicing away the heavy silence. "Could ya just tell me, so Ma doesn't worry?"

Sasuke bites his tongue. His eyes scan the painting, and all he can think about is [Name].

I didn't even say goodbye. He dwells on his sudden disappearance. I'm such an idiot.

"I just wanted [Name] to have a good time," Sasuke confesses. His hands squeeze around the painting as he thinks about Naruto making her laugh.

"She had a great time!" Naruto says. He leans against the wall, wondering what in the world is going on in Sasuke's head. "She was laughin' and eatin' and---"

"No!" Sasuke interjects. He turns quick as lightning, his eyes in a glare. "I wanted her to have a great time with me! But you just whisked her away with your stupid jokes!"

Naruto kneels to Sasuke's height, ready to unpack the toil that swims in his brother's head. "Dude, what are you talking about?"

"[Name] is supposed to be my friend!" Sasuke huffs. He covers his face with his hands, his nails digging in his skin. He feels childish, but he just couldn't let this go. "But you just took her away from me in an instant! Do you know how long it takes for me to make a friend?!"

Naruto deflates. He reaches for Sasuke's hands and takes them into his own. "I'm sorry, Sasuke."

"I'm not as charismatic as you," Sasuke speaks in a low tone, his eyes cast down. He grimaces as he speaks the next words, "I feel like I can't have anything with you around."

They sit in palpable silence. The feeling of warmth leaves Sasuke's body as he turns away from Naruto. His focus back on the painting. Nothing more needs to be said, and yet, Naruto still sits there.

A million words go through his mind. He reaches for Sasuke again, but his hand falls short. He sees his brother's fixation on the painting of the girl and thinks of [Name].

"I didn't know you felt that way," Naruto says before standing.

It would be best to leave it alone.

And that's what Naruto decides on.


Bright and early the next day, Kushina rises from her bed. Minato is already awake and showering, so the first thing on her to-do list is to make him breakfast. In her pajamas, she trudges downstairs, but the smell of toast wafts into her nose.

Burnt toast, to be exact.

Her lazy walk to the kitchen turns to a sprint. In her slippers, she slides into the kitchen, her eyes wide as her mommy alarm goes off in her head.

Standing at the toaster is Naruto, popping up blackened bread. He scratches his head, not knowing his mom is standing right in the entryway. Where there was anxiety in Kushina, now there is anger.

"Naruto." He jumps and turns around. "What are you doing?!"

"Making," he pauses and looks to the burnt toast. "Breakfast?"

She stares quizzically, eyeing the ruined food on the plate. Naruto chuckles to himself sheepishly. But then his smile falls all too quickly.

Kushina notices the mood shift, the sad tone of his face, the weariness in his eyes. Kushina knows Naruto is a good cook. Burning toast isn't something he'd do.

Unless he's distracted, Kushina thinks. The concerns for her son build until she finally blurts out, "What's wrong?"

The words aren't hard to formulate; Naruto had been thinking about it all night. "I think Sasuke resents me."

Kushina's eyes widen. Swiftly, she approaches Naruto and takes his hand. "No. He doesn't. I know he doesn't!"

He shakes his head. "He went on and on about how I stole the show last night. So I think he has some pent up frustrations towards me."

Kushina puts her hand on his head, just like she used to when he was a kid. Whenever he cried or got angry, she was there to comfort him with a warm, motherly hand on his head. Today was no different.

"And you know what," Naruto starts with a sad chuckle. "I think I have some resentment for him too."

Cinema [Yandere!Sasuke x Reader] AUWhere stories live. Discover now