Scene 14

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The weather is weird today. Grey clouds block the sun's rays, threatening to rain, but the air is thick and hot. Inside the safety of her home, [Name] takes note of the strange weather, and prepares her paintings for rain or shine.

She gathers all her finished products to the front of her home. Some are small, and some are large, but all can fit inside a simple car---if stacked right. She explains to her little brother for the umpteenth time that Kushina Uzumaki invited her to an art gallery.

"And you just got invited to this art gallery? Short noticed?" Luke asks, not bothering to help his sister as she struggles to lift a large painting.

"Yes!" [Name] huffs, gently placing it down, for her little arms gave out. "What's so hard to understand?"

"Well, gee, I don't know, like the fact that you hardly know these people!" Luke counters, throwing his hands up. 

"I've met Sasuke before, and we're friends! His mother invited me. Okay?" [Name] crosses her arms over her chest, huffing. "Is it so bad to want a little recognition?"

Luke gives up. He knows that becoming a famous artist is a far off dream for [Name], but even so, he can't let his big sister waltz into the hands of a stranger. "Whatever, I'm gonna go feed Ace."

Upon hearing its name, the black cat dashes between legs, becoming a black blur in the eyes of its owners. Luke chases after the cat, hissing at it to stop running.

[Name], on the other hand, continues her work and prepares the car for storage. The moment she steps outside, lugging one of her larger paintings with her, a van shows up. In the driver seat is Naruto, and Sasuke sits next to him, arms crossed and eyes closed. When Naruto opens the door after stopping, Sasuke pops up.

"Hey!" [Name] greets and waves Naruto over. "Come help me with this!"

Naruto jogs up to [Name] and takes the heavy artwork from her hands. [Name] greets Sasuke as well when he opens the back doors of the van.

"More paintings are inside!" She says as Sasuke approaches.

She takes one look at Sasuke and feels a chill. His black eyes hold no emotion.

"Hey, Sasuke," she greets him a second time. Her voice is sheepish, scared almost. "How are you?"

Sasuke shrugs, a lopsided grin spreading across his face, but it doesn't go to his eyes. His eyes are still, dead even. "I'm doing okay. Better now that you're in my presence."

A nervous laugh bubbles in [Name's] chest as she leads both men inside. The creepy feeling she feels rolls off her back.

"Should I get you anything? I wouldn't want my guests to work so hard and not get anything from me," she offers. She bends down to pick up another piece, but Sasuke takes it from her hand.

"Don't worry about us!" Naruto says. "We'll just be in and out. We're going to the gym after this."

"Blegh! The gym." [Name] fake vomits. "No wonder Sasuke looks dead inside today."

Naruto laughs. "Working out isn't so bad! Right Sasuke?"

"I hate it," Sasuke admits, taking another painting into his hands. "And I hate you for making me work out."

"Pssh. Don't be a pansy!"

Naruto grabs all he can before hauling then outside. Sasuke snorts and follows his brother, claiming he isn't a pansy.

[Name] hums amusedly, going to the kitchen to make them something. A day before, she made strawberry lemonade. In the cupboards, she finds two large glasses and pours half a cup each. Even though the boys told her they don't want anything, she still wants to be a good host.

Putting the glasses on the tray, [Name] takes the dish out to the living room. Sasuke returns, ready to take out more paintings.

"When you two are done, there's lemonade. I can also make sandwiches," she offers with a smile.

Sasuke smiles back. "Thanks. I'll let Naruto know."

Speaking of the little devil, Naruto comes rushing in, asking, "Hey, mom wants to know if you'll come over for dinner again."

[Name] looks between Sasuke and Naruto, pointing to herself. "Are you talking about me?"

"Yeah," Sasuke confirms. "Come over again."

"Oh, well, yeah. That'll be fun."

Naruto grins, grabbing more of her artwork. "After this, we can head to our house to hang out for a while."

They talk as if they're kids again. Naruto the excitable one, Sasuke the soft-spoken one, and [Name] somewhere caught between them. It's clear that Naruto developed an interest in her, but she couldn't pinpoint precisely what kind of interest. She doesn't know if he's friendly with others the same way, or if she's a special lady he's hoping to court. Besides, Naruto's interest in her didn't concern her as much as Sasuke's attention. He hasn't made a move since their drunken night together, and now she wonders if that kiss meant anything to him, or if he's just like that when he's had a few.

Whatever the case may be, Reena and May would encourage [Name] to date both, if possible. She can hear their words now.

TWO cute rich boys? And you haven't jumped on their dicks yet? You either have supernatural willpower, or you're just so fucking stupid sis.

And stupid she is for setting herself up between the two.


Back at the Uzumaki residence, [Name] laughs with the family as they recount funny stories about Naruto.

"And then, BAM!" Minato punches his fist. "Naruto smacks into a tree! I told him that sled was flimsy, but the boy didn't wanna listen."

[Name] turns to Naruto with a grin. "Oh, is that so?"

Naruto scratches his head, cheesing to hide his embarrassment. Minato continues the story.

"Then the boy pops up, outta the snow, turns to me, and smiles. At first, I thought he was all right, but then both of his front baby teeth fall out!"

[Name] gasps, mouthing no way, but all of them nod as a confirmation of her disbelief.

"He still had the dumb grin on his face---!"

"Hey! I'm not dumb!"

"And he just said 'Pops, I think I'll be okay!' And I just had to laugh."

Kushina pipes up, "If his teeth weren't covered in blood, I don't think we would have every find them."

[Name] just has an amazed expression on her face. It seems she fit right into the family, another ball of sunshine.

Sasuke, the one cloud, sits quietly. He's not far from the circle, but he's not included in the conversation. He just lingers. And so does his gaze.

Black eyes don't leave [Name's] figure. Her laugh, her smile, the surprised looks, the way she speaks, it captivates him, enraptures him.

If his family are suns in a blue sky, and he is the rainy cloud, then [Name], in all of her beauty, she is a rainbow. Bright and vibrant, showing an array of colors Sasuke hasn't seen or felt in such a long time. She's beautiful.

He could watch her forever.


A/N: I forgot about this story UwU 💕

Cinema [Yandere!Sasuke x Reader] AUWhere stories live. Discover now