Scene 8

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"So, what do you like Sasuke?" [Name] asks as the couple enters the adult section of the library.

Sasuke shrugs his shoulders as he admires the back of [Name's] head. "What kind of books are there in the adult section?"

[Name] places some mixed up books back in order and turns to Sasuke. "Well, there are books about politics, economics, romance, mystery. There are health books and such. Erotica, if you're into that."

She gives Sasuke a knowing look when she mentions erotica. "Most of the male patrons enjoy the series Make-Out Paradise."

"Oh? Is it any good?" He asks as he runs a hand through his hair. [Name] shrugs.

"I never read it, but I know it's a popular book series amongst men and women alike," she answers honestly. Sasuke smiles and begins to walk beside her instead of behind.

"Maybe we should read it together," Sasuke says without thinking first. [Name] chuckles.

"Like a book club?" She laughs again and Sasuke begins to feel humiliated by what he said.

He stutters over his words, "Y-Yeah, I mean if you-"

"Yes, I would love to have a mini book club with you Sasuke," she says, cutting him off from embarrassing himself even more. She hands him Make-Out Paradise and smiles. His mood skyrockets through the roof once the book is in his hands.

"Thanks," he mumbles. She shrugs her shoulders.

"It's kinda my job, and speaking of my job, I should get back to work."

"Right," Sasuke grumbles, his mood fluttering back down to Earth. "I can't take up all of your time, unfortunately."

[Name] laughs. "It was fun talking to you Sasuke, I'll see you later."

Sasuke's heart flutters in his chest once he hears her say his name. It's angelic the way his name comes from her lips, and he has no problem replying that sound over and over in his mind.

He stands there and watches [Name] walk away from him. The colors around him seem to instantly dull, but the feelings inside of him only grow with more enthusiasm.


"So?" Begins one of [Name's] co-workers, May. "Who's the hottie?"

[Name] chuckles and shakes her head. "What hottie?"

May scoffs and picks up a stack of books, readying herself to take them back to the shelves. "That cutie with the black spiky hair. The one you were totally flirting with."

[Name] laughs again. "I was not flirting with him."

"Yeah, sure you weren't," May says sarcastically. "And he totally wasn't looking at your ass like I look at a piece of cake."

"May," [Name] whines. "If you want to know, I barely know that guy. All I know is that his name is Sasuke and now we're going to read a book together."

"Ooh," May coos. "Which book? I saw that you took him to the adult section-"

"He seemed a bit interested in Make-Out Paradise," she says, and May gets a big grin on her face.

"You know what that means!" Her coworker nearly shouts. [Name] raises an eyebrow, utterly confused. May groans and shoves books onto the shelf.

"It means he wants to have a romantic and steamy relationship with you," May explains. "Oh, how I would let him pound my sweet ass."

"First off, that's hella gross. And secondly, I doubt he wants anything to do with me," she says as she watches her coworker swoon over Sasuke.

May groans. "You seriously didn't see that way he was gawking at you? Geez, he looked like he was ready to start dry-humping you against the wall."

Cinema [Yandere!Sasuke x Reader] AUWhere stories live. Discover now