Scene 2

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Sasuke became an orphan after the massive fire in the Uchiha compound. Some people think it was planned or an inside job, but others think that perhaps one of the Uchiha's got careless. Whatever the case, Sasuke's home, and family went up in flames.

Firefighters and police officers found most of the bodies after they doused the flames and cleaned up the wreckage. Though a lot of them were not found, like Itachi Uchiha's body.

Sasuke has had nightmares about the tragic event for years. More like 14 years. He wakes up screaming and thrashing and panting as the horrors of that night haunt his dreams. Naruto has always come busting in, ready to calm him down. It works all the time, but not tonight.

Tonight happens to be the anniversary of his entire family's death. Tonight has always been the toughest night to calm Sasuke down. The amount of grief and guilt that consumes him nearly drove the boy to the brink of insanity.

"I should've helped!" He cries. His body is slouched over, tears running down his face. "I just stood there and watched my family burn!"

"Hey, it's okay. You're going to be all right," Naruto says. Though these words sound like lies to Sasuke. White lies that only blacken his heart.

"Itachi," Sasuke cries. "Mom, dad. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't save you. It's all my fault! They're all gone because of me!"

Blame weighs heavily on Sasuke's shoulders, breaking him down into nothing but a shriveled, blubbering mess. Self-hate claws viciously at his heart, causing him to chant the words "I hate myself" over and over until he truly believes it. Pain rakes at his mind — traumatic memories flood back to him in one big blur of madness. The screams of his family, the burnt corpses he saw, ash and the blazing heat radiating from the deadly fire that consumed his entire home and destroyed everything he holds dear to his heart.

Sasuke is so deep into the crushing memories that he doesn't notice Naruto leave and come back. In the boy's hand is a glass of water and a pill.

"Take this, please Sasuke," Naruto says softly. He's patient, waiting for Sasuke to take the items from his hands.

Sasuke stares at them for while through blurry eyes. Hesitantly he reaches for the pill first, then the glass of water. His hands are shaking so the water sloshes around in the glass. He takes a deep breath before he pops the pill into his mouth and downs the glass of water.

"Now lie down and take deep breaths," he says, gently pushing Sasuke down. "I'll be here until you fall asleep."

Sasuke counts the number of times he breathes in and out until his body relaxes. It takes him about thirty minutes before he falls into a deep sleep.

Naruto sighs and strokes Sasuke's hair. He pulls the blankets up to his brother's shoulders and leaves the room.


Sasuke's dream after his breakdown is quite pleasant. It starts off with a younger version of himself, secluded and crying in a world that he views as only black and white. Though a girl, in full color, happens to skip by him, bringing vibrancy to his bleak world. He can't make out her face, not even when they have a conversation. He almost catches her name, but his ears grow deaf while she's speaking. She wipes away his tears before skipping off again, leaving a trail of color behind her.

When Sasuke wakes, he lies in bed contemplating his outlandish dream. It isn't normal for him to have dreams as pleasant as that. He will either have a nightmare or no dreams at all.

Sasuke turns over to his side, blankly staring at the wall. It's the buzzing sound of his phone that breaks him out of his trance. He looks at his phone, seeing that it's a call from Sakura. He answers not a moment later.

"Hey," he says, devoid of any emotion.

"Honey! Naruto called and told me you had another fit last night. Are you okay? Do you need anything from me?"

"No," he mumbles into the phone. "I'll be okay. I just have to remember to take my medication before going to sleep."

"Sasuke," she breathes out his name sadly. "It's not like you to forget things."

"I know. I'm sorry," he apologizes. He shuffles in his bed, moving the blankets up to his chin.

"Don't apologize sweetie. Just take it easy today, okay?" She says. Sakura really wishes she could be there to comfort her boyfriend, but she has to go to her classes and work tonight. "I love you."

"Love you too," he mumbles. The call ends once they say their goodbyes.

Sasuke's body feels drained. He doesn't want to get out of bed, doesn't want to shower, and he doesn't want to take his meds. He opens his mouth to call for his mother, but nothing comes out.

He pulls the blankets higher and higher until it covers his entire body. Sasuke wants to be alone. He wants to disappear from this world. The grim life he lives only seems to be getting worse by the seconds. His heart blackening by the minutes.

If only he could find that skipping girl with a trail of color behind her, bringing liveliness to the world.

Maybe she'll bring color to his life too.


A/N: hello hello hello! I hope you enjoyed the chapter. The reader (or you) won't come in until later. I hope that's okay. And I hope that this story is making sense so far? This is my first actual Yandere story, so be gentle. Oh! Thanks for reading!

Love you bye bye bye!

Cinema [Yandere!Sasuke x Reader] AUWhere stories live. Discover now