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my teacher in calculus brought me in a classroom of third years and i already spotted familiar faces smirking at me. i just rolled my eyes on them.

"ok, third years! starting today up to your graduation, shirabu kenjirou will become part of your class, only for calculus. so, be nice to him!" ms. arita said to the third years

"i am shirabu kenjirou, second year!" i said as i introduced myself to my senpais.

"you can sit anywhere you like, shirabu!" ms. arita said so i scan the whole room, looking for a vacant seat

"shirabae~" tendou called me while waving his hand

he's pointing to a chair next to semi's. they're at the back, sitting next to each other. reon, yamagata, ushijima-san, tendou, vacant seat, and semi. you know a one long table with two chairs?

i had no choice but to walk towards them and sit on the only vacant seat here in their class.

"we're in the same class, shirabae~ let me copy your answer." tendou whispered so i mentally rolled my eyes

"me too, shirabu!" yamagata half shouted so ms. arita can't hear him

"you're both my senpai, i should be the one asking for an answer." i said so they both shake their head

"not gonna happen, shirabu!" reon said then he sighed

"refrain from talking, everyone!" ushijima-san said so i just looked at ms. arita

when i got bored with the lesson, i'm secretly eating the chocolates i got from taki. but when i was about to pick one chocolate from the box, a hand holds mine and intertwined them.

i turn to semi who's looking outside the window. i tried to take my hand away from him but he hold it tighter that i can't take it off.

"shirabae~ are you sick? you're so red." tendou whispered with a smirk on his lips

he can't see our intertwined hands because it's under the table. i looked at tendou and shakes my head to him.

"i'm fine, tendou-san!"


semi lightly squeezes my hand that he's holding so i glared at him but he's still looking outside the window.

"let go of my hand, semi-san." i whispered so he side eyed me then he smirk but he didn't answered me

a teacher came into the classroom and called ms. arita. when they both left, the third years started cheering because the class was interrupted.

i tried to take my hand back again but semi just tighten his grip on my hand. i got tired and just let him holds me hand.

"so, shirabu, i saw you eating something. can i have some?" yamagata asked then walks towards our desk

"sure!" i said and got the box of chocolate using my spare hand

"chocolate? i thought it's a chips." he said and picked one and starts eating

he even offered my chocolate to tendou, ushijima-san, and reon. he also offered some to semi but the latter refused.

the whole calculus class is an hour long so we still have half hour before lunch and then club activities. ms. arita's still outside with that teacher who called her.

"h-hello, shirabu-san!" the girl sitting in front of me greeted me so i bowed my head to her

"are you single, shirabu?" the other girl sitting next to her asked that made even ushijima-san shock

"why are you asking, sakura? you like my kouhai?" yamagata asked them that made both of them blush

"oh my god, shirabae~ you already got their attention?" tendou said, more like sang

i ignored all of them and just read my notes. i'm really not good in socializing because i'm not good at it. that's it!

when i got bored reviewing my notes i put my head on top of my arms and tried to take a nap while waiting for ms. arita to come back here or to finally dismiss us.

semi's still holding my hand so my other hand is now numb because i used it as a pillow. i tried again to take my hand back and this time he let it go.

"fucking finally!" i said to everyone turn their eyes on me

"finally what, shirabae?" tendou asked

"h-huh? nothing! don't mind me." i asnwered and then covered my face with my notebook

"kinda sus though~" tendou said, squinting his eyes on me like he's analyzing my expression

"oi, semi, here's your pen! thank you!" yamagata said then gives semi's pen to ushijima

ushijima-san gives it to tendou but tendou didn't give it to me. instead, he let semi to reach it.

"give it to shirabu, tendou! you're such an asshole." semi said while moving closer to so i tried to back away

i lost balance and was about to fall from my chair because of backing away from semi but he wraps his hand on my waist. i unconsciously hold on his shoulder while he's still reaching for his pen.

"whoa, whoa, whoa! why are you two hugging?" yamagata asked with a smirk so i pushed semi away from me

"why'd you do that?" semi asked with a frowned


oh my god, i stuttered. i bite the lower lip and looked away from him.

"shirabae is blushing~" tendou teased me

"i'm not!"

"heh~ but you're face are in bright red, right now." he said and i can sense an annoying smirk from him

"what's happening? why's shirabu so red?" reon said when he got back to his chair from talking to one of his classmate

"i saw them, shirabu and semi, hugging while semi's reaching for his pen. and, now shirabu's flustered." yamagata answered reon's question

"we're not hugging! damn it." i said in an irritated tone

"being bottom suits you, shirabu!" semi whispered that made me redder now

i glared at semi but he's just smirking at me. good thing, ms. arita entered the room again and continued the lesson. when he dismissed us, i immediately picked my bag and walk towards the bathroom, and enters one cubicle but forgot to locked it.

someone entered the bathroom and now walking closer to where i am. my eyes widen in shock when he opened the door of the cubicle where i am right now.

"found you!" semi said with a smirk and pulls me up and pinned me against the wall.

"the hell, semi? let me g—"

i didn't finished my sentence when he covered my mouth with his hand and locked the door of the cubicle.

"low down your voice, shirabu! someone might hear you." he whispered right into my ears that sends chills in my spines

using one of his hand, he holds both my hands and placed it on top of my head while pinning me on the wall. his other hand is covering my mouth.

"now that i remember you saying something about topping me…" he said with a playful tone

he takes off his hand from my mouth and now caressing my cheeks. this fucker is testing my patient.

"i'm kinda confused because you're always getting pinned by me."

"just you wait, senpai!" i said to him

"uh huh?"

THE HELL IS THAT? (semishira)Where stories live. Discover now