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i tried to push him away but i'm too tired to do it and arms are too weak to push him. i just let him hugs me while i'm still crying.

"leave me alone." i said and i heard my voice crack

"no, no! i'm sorry, ok? i'm sorry!"

"just leave me, please!"

"i don't want to."

"just let me be alone, semi."

he pulls away from the hug and puts his hands in my shoulder. i'm just looking at tiled floor of the bathroom. i'm so tired right now.


"just leave, semi. go to your girlfriend and just forgot about whatever happened between us. i don't want to ruin your relationship with her, semi. leave me alone, please!" i said and i slightly push him


"don't call me that, please! don't do this to me. please, stop!" i said and again my tears betrayed me

i run away from him. i went out of our room and run downstairs. everyone looks at me with concern when they saw that i'm crying.


taichi tried to calls me but i run faster and went out of tendou's apartment. it's already dark and too quiet. it's also cold tonight and i'm only wearing a shirt and a jogger pants.

i hug myself when the cold wind blew and i shiver. i'm hugging myself while walking but i don't know where should i go.

i just found myself in front of kunimi's apartment. he's living alone because his parents are both working overseas. i've been here before with tsuki, akaashi, kenma, and suna.

i knock on the door and a sleepy and grumpy kunimi opened it for me. his eyes went wide when he saw that it's me and that i'm crying.

yes, i'm still crying because my arms are still stings in pain because of semi. he asked me to come inside his apartment and told me to sit on the couch.

"what happened, shirabu? and why are you here in the middle of the night?" he asked when i sits next to me

"can i have an ice, kunimi?" i asked the made him so confused but he stands up and went inside his kitchen

"you're not ok, i can see that. so, what really happened? here's your ice." he said and gave me a small bucket of ice

"thank you!"

i got one ice and gently put it on my arms. i wince because of pain everytime the ice touches my swollen arms.

"what happened to your arms, really? at least tell me what happened to this one, kenjirou." kunimi said with a serious tone ij his voice

"semi did this." i whispered and i can see him get mad

"give me your phone. i'm gonna call that jerk."

"i left my phone in tendou's apartment."

"then, i'll just call tendou."


"don't use that to me, kenjirou! i'm mad ok?" he said and dialed tendou's number

"but, he already apologized!"

"it's not enough. look at your arms!"

"i'm fine, ok?"

"shut up!" he said so i did shut my mouth

when tendou answered the call he puts it on speaker. i just put all my attention on my arms and let him be mad. that's kunimi akira for you. no one can ever stop him when he gets really mad.

THE HELL IS THAT? (semishira)Where stories live. Discover now