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semi's pov

i mentally laugh when shirabu thanked yamagata when he came in. i dragged tendou on his collar and he's still sulking because of yamagata.

"i don't know what happened but i want rocky road flavor. anyway, about the announcement." yamagata said and he's so creepy, grinning like a clown

"shut up, hayato! let wakatoshi tell them." reon said so wakatoshi walks in front

"ok, kai came here with shibata and jin and they told us that after this long weekend vacation we'll having a training camp with karasuno and seijoh." wakatoshi said

"what about date tech?" shirabu asked

"they're not coming for they have a practice match with wakunan and johzenji that day our training camp." reon answered so shirabu just nod his head

"so, goshiki's crush is not coming?" tendou asked that made our first year blush so hard

"w-what are you t-talking about, senpai?" goshiki asked, stuttering and blushing

"you mean who, goshiki." taichi teased goshiki

"is it that new setter of date tech? what's his name again? kaganogawe?" hayato added

"nice try! it's koganegawa." i said with a smirk while looking directly to goshiki.

"aww~ our baby will be sad because his crush, kogane, is not coming." tendou said and he lean goshiki's head on his shoulder like he's comforting him

we all laugh because of them. goshiki covered his face with his hands. even his ears are so red right now.

we all stop laughing when shirabu's phone rings. he's still eating so when he answered the call, he immediately put it on speaker. he's too focus on the movie and on his food that he didn't even care if we're staring at him.

"shirabu's funeral service, how can i help you?" shirabu said in monotone voice

i can't help but to chuckled when i remember him asked me those exact words the last time called him.

(oh, wrong number! i thought it's 911.) the person on the other line said with a sarcastic tone

"no, bitch! this is a funeral service."

(who's 911, again? is it tsuki?)

"tsuki is the crimation service, kunimi. 911 is akaashi, you dumbass." shirabu said

tsuki? kunimi? akaashi? those names are all ring a bell. are they shirabu's friends? i can sense bitchiness even by just hearing their names.

(whatever, fucker! anyway, i just want to ask if you already know about the training camp?)

"i just got to know about it a minute ago."

"i'm going back to sleep!" hayato said and he went upstairs.

"me too." taichi said then he followed hayato

"i want to have some ice cream." goshiki said

"then let's go!" reon said and pulls goshiki in the arm

THE HELL IS THAT? (semishira)Where stories live. Discover now