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Semi walks in the hospital and goes straight to the lady in front.

"Hi!" He greeted to get the attention of the nurse.

"Hello, good evening!" The nurse replied with a sweet smile and tries to look as cute as possible when she saw Semi.

"I'm here for Shirabu Kenjiro!" He said that made the smile from the nurse disappear.

"How are you relatives to Doc Shirabu, Sir?



Semi turns to someone who calls his name and smiles eventually when he saw his husband.

"Hi, baby!"  He greeted Shirabu with a peck on a his lips.

"What are you doing here? What about Eiji?" Shirabu asked with a frown

"He's actually waiting for you in the car with Kenta. Come on!"

"I thought Kenta's with Taichi? Since when did my baby came home?"

"Just an hour ago, baby! Come on! They're waiting for you, for us!"

They both walk out of the hospital and went to Semi's car where their sons are waiting for them.



The boys run to Semi and Shira who're already crouching and have their arms wide open.

"I miss you, Papa!" Kenta said to Shirabu and he showers him kisses all over his face.

"Papa miss Kenta too!"

"What about Eiji, Papa?" The younger then asked Shirabu while he's holding on Semi's neck.

"Of course, Papa also misses Eiji. You're both my babies!"

"What about me, Kenjiro?"

"I miss you too, Eita!"

They smile to each other before getting inside the car. When they finally got home, the boys run inside their house leaving Semi and Shirabu.

"Wow! They grew up so fast." Shirabu said while watching how their sons chase each other.

"Well, Kenta is 5 years old and Eiji's already 3."

"You took it literally, baby!" Shirabu said and kiss Semi on his cheeks before walking inside their house.

Semi and Shirabu have been married for almost 5 years. The same year they finally got to adopt Kenta. And after two years, they decided to adopt Eiji too.

Shirabu asked if he can still be Shirabu Kenjiro even though they're married and Semi sees no problem so he agreed.

"Papa, someone's on phone!" Kenta shouted while running to give the phone to Shirabu.


"Uncle Rin!"

"You go and call Eiji. Tell him Mouri is calling."

"Ok, Papa!" Kenta said and runs to get his brother.

Shirabu sits next to Semi and the latter wraps his arm around Shirabu's waist. He answers the call and puts it on speaker when he saw his sons approaching.


(Hey, Kenjiro!)


(No shit! Where are my baby Kenta and baby Eiji?)

The boys heard their names so they both climbs to sit on the lap of their parents and went closer to the phone.

"Uncle Rin, is Mouri there?"

(Eijiiiii~ Hi, baby! Yes, Mouri's here but he's busy playing with Kitsumi right now.)

Kenta looks at his parents and smiles so sweet.

"Can we go and play with Kitkit and Mouri?" He asked the made Semi chuckled and Shirabu smiles.

"Maybe tomorrow, baby? It's already late and it's too dark outside." Semi said and kiss Kenta and Eiji on their forehead.

(Aww~ too bad!)

"Shut up, Rintarou!"

(Eiji, Kenta, look! Your Papa is mad at me.)

"Papa, don't be mad to Uncle Rinrin." eiji said so Shirabu mentally rolls his eyes.



(Samu asked me to invite you all tomorrow for dinner. I'm gonna ask you since Kenjiro's mad at me.)

"Uncle Rinrin, don't be sad! Papa said he's not mad at you." Kenta said so innocently.

"We're coming! Now, quit playing victim and stop corrupting my children's mind, Miya Rintarou!" Shirabu said and they all heard Suna and Osamu's laugh from the background, even Atsumu and Sakusa's.

"Sorry! He's just tired. We'll see you all tomorrow! Kenta and Eiji need to sleep early so they'll be taller."

(Unlike their Papa? Ok!)

"End the call, Eita!" Shirabu said to Semi

They all laugh and bid goodbyes. Semi puts down the phone and he hugs his husband and their sons.

After a quick shower, Shirabu and Semi tuck Kenta and Eiji in to their bed to sleep. They both walk to their room and sleep.

THE HELL IS THAT? (semishira)Where stories live. Discover now