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he loves me? he told me he loves me. is it true? am i not dreaming? is it really happening? did he really said that he loves me too?


"i love you so much! i don't care if you don't love me too. i will make you love me so it's not a problem." he said that made me chuckled

"confident. i like that!" i said still chuckling


"and how exactly are you going to make me love you? hmm?"

"in any possible way, baby!" he said that made me blush

good thing, we're hugging. he can't see me blushing because of his words. i looked down when he pulls away from the hug and holds my hands.


"i'll start now!" he said and pulls me

he brings me in front of our dorm building. we entered the building and he brings me inside his dorm. he closed and even locked the door.

he gently drags me inside his room and pulls me to sit on his lap. my face immediately turn red and i can feel heat all over it.

"what about the match?" i asked him

"don't worry about it. nothings more important than to be with you." he said that made me more flustered

oh my god, semi! what are you doing to me? why are making my heart beats in an abnormal way? why are you making me crazy over you?

"you know how to sugar coat your words, i see." i said and he chuckled

the sexiest chuckled i have ever heard in my entire life. damn! how i love this guy so much.

he puts his hands on my waist and pulls me closer to him. i put my hand in his shoulder and we're staring to each other.

"i really love how you get so flustered easily. i love how you try to compose yourself. i love it when you stutters and then will look away. i love you so much, shira!"

here he is again. i gulp so hard and grips on his shoulder. he noticed it so pulls me closer and closer to his body.

"i want you to know that i have love you the first time i laid my eyes on you. the first time i saw you in the gym. the first time our eyes met. i have love you the first time you talked to me. it might sounds so unbelievable but it's true."

"i know that you think i hated you, but i never hated you. really! i never find myself hating you, instead i fall harder for you. i just don't really know how to tell you because we're not close. we rarely talk to each other. so, it took me two years to finally make a move."

i'm just looking at his eyes while he's confessing his love to me. i can't conceal this smile anymore and even my tears are also escaping now. oh my god, semi!

"remember when i hit your head with the ball recently? that's actually intentional. that's taichi's idea, actually. i didn't.know that i hit it hard so i'm sorry. but, it was worth it because you finally noticed me and even talked to me. well, you're still salty that time but at least we talked."

i can't help but to laugh because of what he said. he wipes away the tears in my eyes and then he kissed both my eyes so i closed them.

"more importantly, i challenged you that time and that's the starting line of my moves. at first, i thought that maybe you're just letting me touched you and kissed you because of that challenge so i said to myself that i will make you forgot that stupid challenge and i'll make you fall for me. but damn, shira! i fell harder and i can't help myself anymore."

THE HELL IS THAT? (semishira)Where stories live. Discover now