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the car stops so i look outside the window. we're at the cliff, where you can see the whole miyagi. the skies are orange and the sun is setting that gives more aesthetic to the place.

there is a huge tree here with a bench under it. he holds my hand and we walk towards the bench and we sit next to each other. he wraps his hand around my waist and pulls me closer to him as we're looking down to the city lights.

"i thought you're taking me out for dinner, eita?" i asked him

"later, baby! let's appreciate miyagi first before we both move to tokyo for college." he said so i nod at him and lean on his body.

"thank you for coming, eita!"

"i will always be right next to you, baby! you're more important than anything in this worlds. i will always fine time to be with you."

"thank you!"

"i love you so much and i will still love you. i want to spend my everyday with you. i want to be with you—" i cover his mouth with my own hand that make him so shocked.

"are you proposing, eita? please, not now, baby! i love you but isn't it too early for that? i'm not rejecting you, so please don't be sad. i will marry you someday, but not now. i still want to fulfill my dreams and help my parents."

he holds my hand that is covering his mouth and he takes it off of him. he smiles at me.

"i'm not proposing, baby! not yet. i know you still have things you want to do and i'm fine with that. i'm just here, supporting you! i just want you to know how much i love you." he said so i let out a breath the i didn't know i was holding.

"what a relief." i said and he laughs at me so i pouted.


he pulls me closer to him and kiss me on my lips. i put my hands on his neck and kissed him back, giving the same feelings he's giving me through kiss. when we pulled away, he lean his forehead against mine and smiles at me that also made me smile.

"i love you, kenjiro!"

"i love you too, eita!"

after an hour or two, we both decided to go back to the car and he drives it going to his place.

"i'll go cook us dinner. go and take a shower, baby!" he said as he kissed me on my forehead before heading in to the kitchen.

i walk inside his room and got myself some clothes to wear from his closet. i picked my favorite which is a purple hoodie with a bunny ear on the hood and a printed semi on it.

i just took a quick shower and then i walk in to the kitchen to see my boyfriend so focused on making a coffee.

"eita?" i called so he turn his head to my way and smile when he saw that i'm wearing this hoodie

"you really love that hoodie, don't you?"

"it has bunny ears and your name."

"hahahaha i see!"

we eat dinner together and after that we went to his room.

"i'm just going take a shower. wait for me ok?" he said so i nod at him

when he left, i jump on his bed and hugs his pillow. i also open my phone and play some mellow music while snuggling on his blanket.

not so long when he came back, he only has a towel wrapped around his torso and another towel on his head.

"can i have a hug, baby?" he asked with a smile and open his arms wide for me.

i jump from the bed to him. he catches me effortlessly. i wrap my legs around his waist and my hands on his neck.

"i miss hugging you, baby!"

"i miss you too, eita!"

he connects both our lips and they move in sync. i hug him tighter and pull him closer to me. i'm so focused on our kiss that i didn't realized that he already lay me on the bed and he's on top of me.

his cold hands are now caressing my skin underneath the hoodie i am wearing. as his tongue explores the inside of my mouth, his hands are also busy touching every part of my body.


i moaned when his kisses went down to my jaw and then lower as he reach my neck. he started kissing, licking, and then soon sucking my neck, leaving visible marks.

"ahh~" i almost scream when he bite me on my neck

the sensation it gives is so pleasurable and unbearable that i can't help myself but to moan and call his name over and over.

"take my clothes off, eita…" i said with my hoarse voice

in a swift move, i can't feel clothes on my upper body anymore. he then kiss my chest and leaving marks on it. one of his hand is now caressing my legs, while the other one is on my nipple.

"ahhh~ eita, oh god…"

"keep calling my name, baby! i love hearing you moaning my name!" he whispered on my ear and then he slightly bite my earlobe that made my flinch

"shit! eita baby, your hand…"

his hand that is on my leg went higher and now is getting near my hard member. since i'm only wearing a short short, i can feel his cold hands.

"take the short off, eita!"

"excited, are we?

"i am, now take it off!"

he chuckled before he pulls off my short off of me. i immediately wraps both my legs around his waist and arched my body as he sucks my nipples.

this continues and i don't want it to stop. i reconnect our lips and flip us making me on top of him.


"sshh! i'm gonna give you a blow."

"you don't have to!"

"but i want to, baby!" i said and peck on his lips.

my lips went down to his jaw. i suck his bare skin and leave my marks on his jaw, down to his neck and chest. my lips and tongue are now on his abs getting lower.


i made an eye contact with him while i'm pulling the towel off from his waist. i grabs his hard member and lick the tip of it while still having an eye contact with him.


"keep on watching, baby!"

"oh god, shira! you're so adorable."

"why, thank you, semi!"

he chuckled because of my answer. i keep on licking him and then finally put him inside my mouth. i heard him moan my name so i start bobbing my head up and down that made his moans louder.

"b-baby, go deeper… ahh~"

he grabs me on my hair and starts face fucking me. his dick is reaching my throat so i moan that i know gives chills on him. he moves my head faster until he finally cum in my mouth.

"shit! spit it out, shira—"

"what? no way! i already swallowed it all, semi."

"damn! you looks so hot, baby!"

i smiled and climbs up on him and hug him. he also hug me back and kiss me on my temple.

"i love you so much, baby!"

"i love you more, eita! shall we continue?"

"you're really into it now, huh? you miss me that much?"

"yeah! i miss you so much that i can't wait for you to touch me again."

"oh! my baby is touch deprived? sorry!"

"yeah! it's your fault."

THE HELL IS THAT? (semishira)Where stories live. Discover now