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slightly has smut content

semi's pov

i groaned and try to stretch my whole body but someone is hugging me. i turned to him and saw shirabu, sleeping so peacefully.

i unconsciously smile because of the thought that came into my mind. if we ever end up together, this wil always be my morning routine.

he's hugging me while one of his leg is on top of mine. he's using my right arm and his pillow and he's face my chest. he looks so adorable when sleeping.

i brush his messy copper colored hair using my left hand and then tuck some strands behind his ear. my hand caress his cheeks. my eyes landed on his lips so i caress it with so much gentle using my thumb. so soft, i badly want to kiss it again.

i got my phone from the bedside table and saw the time. it's already 9:14 am. i put it back then i shake shirabu's body to wake him up.


"hey, baby! wake up." i said still shaking his body

he opened his eyes and looks directly into my eyes. i smile at him and give him peck on his lips. i chuckled when i saw a faint blush on his cheeks so he buried his face on my chest.

"shit!" he murmured that i still hear

"come on, baby! it's already 9 in the morning. wake up and let's grab our breakfast." i said and hugs him tighter, he hugged me back

"don't want."


"tch!" he clicked his tongue so i looked down on him and chuckled

"don't 'tch'. me, shirabu! come and get up, baby."

he lifts his head to face me so i connect our lips. he flinched but then kissed me back. i caress his cheeks, still kissing him. he closed his eyes and even slightly open his mouth for my tongue to enter.

i smirk because of that. he moans when i slide my tongue inside his mouth. i mentally laugh when his hands are now wandering under my clothe, feeling my body.

when we pulled from the kiss, strings of saliva still connects us. i leaned my forehead against him still caressing his cheeks.

"good morning!" i greeted him with a smile

"g-good morning!" he greeted back with a blush

"what do you want for breakfast?"


i burst out laughing because of his answer. his face turn redder than before when he realized what he just said. he tried to cover his face but i hold both his hands.

"but you can't eat me, baby! because i'll be eating you." i said with a smirk

"t-that's not what i mean, dumbass!" he hissed at me

"really?" i teased him more

he was about to answer but the bedroom telephone rings. he picked it up since it's on his side. i just went on his neck to kiss and lick it. why? it's mine so i can kiss and lick it.

THE HELL IS THAT? (semishira)Where stories live. Discover now