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semi's pov

the long weekend's done and shirabu didn't came back to tendou's apartment. i am now cleaning the gym with the other third years because seijoh and karasuno will be here for the training camp.

no one's in here aside from the volleyball team because the class has been suspended for some reason. but, some of the students living in the dorm are still here.

"good morning!" taichi greeted us

"morning!" shirabu also greeted us

i put down the mop and runs towards shirabu. he looks at me and then turn his back. i can feel something pierce into my heart when he ignored me.

"good morning, shirabu!" i greeted him with a smile but he walks away from me

someone taps me at my back. when i look at him, it's tendou and he's with taichi and hayato. i raised one of my eyebrow to them.

"let him, semi. he'll talk to you again when he's fine." hayato said to me

"i just want to talk to him like before."

"maybe some other time, semisemi?" tendou said so i frowned

"why not now?"

"we don't know. but we all know that it's not a good idea to talk to him today, semi-san." taichi said so i looked at him

"can you please tell to your boyfriend to please talk to me? even just for a minute? i just want to tell him something, taichi."

"my boyfriend? who? shirabu?"


"what the— he's not my boyfriend. if it's about that time you saw us hugging, well let me tell you this. i was just comforting him that time because i saw him crying. that's all, semi-san!" he said that made me stunned.

"so, you're saying— shit!"

i slap myself when i remembered what i said to shirabu that time. i got mad when i saw him hugging taichi and didn't even think twice. tendou and taichi stop me from slapping myself.

"what the hell, semi? why you're hurting yourself?" hayato asked me

"i may or may not said something to shirabu. fuck! fuck! i'm such an idiot."

"we don't understand, semisemi!" tendou said so i heave a deep sigh

"ok, please don't let anyone know! when i entered the bathroom, i saw shirabu and taichi hugging each other. i got mad that time so when taichi left is hold him on his arms. and i didn't noticed that i used strength. it made his arms swollen." i said then bite my lower lip

"what? you're really an idiot, semi!" hayato said

"i know!"

"why does it made you so mad when i hugged him, semi-san?" taichi asked so i gulp hard

"it's because i thought you're dating."

"let's assume we're dating. so what if we're dating?" he asked again so i brushed my hair with my hands because of frustration

"because we already kissed and you know." i whispered that made them surprised

THE HELL IS THAT? (semishira)Where stories live. Discover now