'1' The Creation Process.

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Silent footsteps glided forward abruptly to a stop in front of a cassette player that sat on top of a small wooden writing desk that was cracked by the time's fault.

Muttering to themself, the (H/c) person shook their head, their messy hair swinging sideways in doing so. Then in a quick movement, the person raised their head, cleverly thinking of the next thing they was going to say.

The person built up courage and slid their grease-stained fingers over the buttons of the cassette player. Hesitantly pausing their finger above the record button, filling their lungs with air in a calming action. They then exhaled through their nose.

"Entry 001... Let's go."

A tranquil, soothing voice came out of the person's mouth, a female voice to be exact.

With a trembling finger, the recording began.

"Alright." The (H/c)-haired girl said relieved and collected. Realizing she was putting pressure on herself when she didn't need to. Looking down the girl took in her notes, each piece of paper containing very important information about her work.

"The base. The torso, which holds the entire composition." Each word being delivered slow with pauses. "The model will be simple, but flexible, I don't want to use only metal in the entire piece. I thought about adding foam and rubber in some more touchable parts." Sounds of papers being rearranged filled the room.

"I made both the base and the legs and arms made of a strong but lightweight metal. This model will focus more on physical skill, like walking smoothly, dancing, doing tricks and stunts." The girl said between looking at the papers and the cassette player, she leaned forward slightly making her messy hair swing in front of her view, with a small puff, the lock flew out of her sight.

"I also thought of-"


"Entry... 008!" Said the same familiar voice in the background, but this time excited. "Well, I was thinking about small details, like using bearings to make the head spin, but if I want the Sun to be able to turn its head without having to turn it manually, I'm going to have to connect some wires."


"Entry 023..." This time, the voice was visibly tired, there was music in the background and papers being shuffled here and there showed that the girl was looking at her notes. "I kind of lost track of time... It's been a week since I've made entries. Anyway, the base is already complete, the joints are working perfectly and I already made the base of the head, I just don't know how I'm going to cover the back of the head where it's going to be full of wires and gears." The girl explained, started to collect herself, her tired voice soon began to become more steady.

A paused laugh came out of the girl's mouth. "I'm just procrastinating a lot on connecting the hands, it's going to be a little difficult to do this job with small details."


"Entry 004." There was a quick cut off at the beginning of the audio, which didn't catch what the girl said, but soon the transition from a TV beeping sound soon returned to the girl's normal voice.
"I had that already in mind, the names. As an example, Mr. Midday and Mr. Midnight." Giving her opinion, the girl quickly chuckled, she was laughing at her own proposal. "But those names seem more like something you would give a cat. I dunno', maybe I'll stick with Sun and Moon. Simple and easy, isn't it?"


"Entrance... I got lost, wait..." A few seconds passed and some sounds were picked up from the audio, like something metallic being placed on the table, this sound was soon ignored when the girl started to speak.

Before Midnight. Sun/Moon x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now