'13' One Step at a Time.

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"Entry 03 of the protection protocol. Well, with the advances I've managed to make these days, I can officially say that I'm making progress with the program, but I say it's on a correct line."

(Y/n) gave her usual reporting, modifications made, glitches that were fixed, and more superficial personality options with the protocol.

Drinking some of her favorite drink, the girl continued to speak after leaving her throat not so dry. Feeling comfortable, she turned slightly and lifted her feet to lean on the table. The classic and vintage wooden table, with the tapes arranged in order and the cassette tape being used, unlike the old days which used to be an organized mess, so to speak.

The girl was inside her garage, she was alone just recording her organized thoughts. (Y/n) had previously tried to write her ideas, not only professional but personal. But it didn't work out so well, and in the end she came to realize that she liked to explain more orally than on the basis of writing. So the tape recorder turned out to be the victim.

"With the continuation of encrypting and also putting in a little data code and simple information, it's going to be long but if it's in order I know how to continue in a train of thought." (Y/n) bit the tip of the pen she had in her hands, as the pen became a substitute for being bitten instead of the girl's fingernails. "Although I want to get a little help from Arthur about coding, I've done it before. And I'm confident I can do it now without help from-"

Suddenly a huge bang for milliseconds passed on the other side of the wall. (Y/n) widened her eyes. She let a few seconds pass after sighing and realizing that on the other side was Sun. The human remembers that the droid said something related to making the girl's room more inviting and comfortable, even though (Y/n) thought the room was sufficient. But anyway she let Sun decorate her room in the meantime.

Probably the droid got hooked on it when she left documentary programs, interior design programs. Now Sun was making a splash in the girl's room, (Y/n) can only sigh and hope that Sun wasn't demolishing anything.

But shrugging her shoulders, the girl continued to speak, as the tape was still being recorded.


"And with these final details, I thought the droid themself wouldn't be able to use protocol mode, but one of the two. Maybe Sun or Moon. Since protocol mode focuses on one of the personalities. Hah, imagine protocol activated both in Sun and Moon. And they active at the same time? The disaster that would happen..." Laughing at this possibility, (Y/n) knew it wasn't a laughing joke but still wanted to laugh instead at the chaotic possibility it would resolve around this problem.

"So I thought I'd test out this protocol on the first one that came to mind, and I chose him because I think he would without a doubt keep the kids safe with his life. That's why I choose-"

"(Y/N)!! I BROKE IT!!" Sun suddenly bombards into the room without leaving a fragment of silence. The droid loudly slammed the garage door against the wall as he appeared from around the corner of the door not realizing the heart attack he'd caused in the nominee who pulled her legs off the table.

"You scare the shit out me, Sun!" (Y/n) turned pale, her hand squeezing the collar of her shirt. The droid verbally showed astonishment and ducked back around the corner of the door, only his head and hands showing. "Language..." Sun dared after a few silent seconds seeing that (Y/n) had recovered. The girl huffed, rolling her eyes. "Uhm..." After turning around and turning off the tape that was still recording, the girl turned around and leaned her back against the creaking chair. "What's up, Sun?"

The appointed mechanical didn't move from the spot, he hummed anxiously. Then cringing a little more he admitted. "I uh...I fell and..." (Y/n) raised an eyebrow looking at the droid, concern starting to show. "Sorry, Sunflower. I was trying to surprise you in your room, and I fell over and I broke..."

Before Midnight. Sun/Moon x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now