'5' Moist Air and The Nightlight.

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That day was very interesting, (Y/n) made a lot of progress with Sun. Now the droid was interested in going outside more often, and that's what she wanted. Sun got to know a lot of new things, his curiosity peaked at seeing little creatures everywhere. What Sun really loved was knowing about small things, he was so impressed with small creatures living daily under his own feet.

Sun left his new little friend Sunbeam outside the living room window, where there was a small balcony where he could put the plant, there was the best place to put it, where the sun reflected.

But now the night had come, and now, it was the turn of a droid serene as night to witness the night air and the moon in the sky. Luckily today the sky should be clear and they can see the stars and moon.

"What is so important that you want to show me?" Moon asked, he ducked dodging some tree leaves, his hand being pulled by the girl who was pleased. At that moment, (Y/n) and Moon were already heading to the back of the house, where the girl would show Moon to such a surprise.

"This... This is what I want to show you..." (Y/n) glanced back, failing to see Moon properly. The girl looked ahead and saw the clearing ahead, the moon was even making light. (Y/n) let go of Moon's hand and stepped to the side so the droid behind her had an incredible view of the moon lighting up the terrain.

Unlike the sun, the moon was in front of them and not behind the house. (Y/n) looked to the side and watched Moon look up, seeing the stars in the clear sky and then looked at the big moon in the sky. Grinning at Moon's gaze, (Y/n) started walking towards the middle of the place, the moonlight was high enough to cast a shadow, the girl's shadow was just below.

Still looking up, (Y/n) didn't have to turn her head to realize that Moon followed her. The girl looked to the side and saw the droid still looking up, she looked at the ground and crouched down, letting her hand slide across the grass to feel for a trace of water.

When she realized it was dry she sat down on the floor and then looked at Moon who was watching her movements. Moon, looking down, saw (E/c) eyes shining like a jewel. Watching the girl sitting on the floor, Moon decided to imitate her, soon crouching down to sit next to her.

"It's very pretty, isn't it?" (Y/n) asked while seeing stars and even being able to distinguish some constellations. Moon who was looking up remained quiet for a few seconds until he admitted. "Eh, it's not the first time I've seen the sky."

(Y/n) quickly looked at the droid with a questioning look. With one eyebrow raised, (Y/n) was confused. "What? So- So when have you seen it?" (Y/n) asked the night droid, who was relaxed.

"The living room window. Sometimes you left the curtains open, and I could see the sky outside." Moon explained, turning his head to the side looking at the girl who was surprised. (Y/n) wasn't expecting Moon to have seen the sky before, and that kind of put her off. Frowning she looked back up to the sky.

"Oh... So it's not that interesting now." (Y/n) brought her legs close to her chest, her arms wrapped around her legs. She fixed her gaze on a star thoughtfully. But Moon, shaking his head, disagree.

"I wouldn't say that." Moon started, voice low and thoughtful, (Y/n) glanced at him. "It's definitely different being out here looking at the sky than looking out a window." Moon put his hands back on the grass, he leaned back to be more comfortable looking up.

"It's refreshing... Feels nice." Moon admitted, his plastic face being lit up by the big moon. (Y/n) listened to Moon's words, he seemed to sound genuinely pleased that they were out there. "And..." Moon's voice soon returned, making the girl look back at him. "I occasionally thought about looking at the stars with you." (Y/n) smirked at Moon's tone of voice, he seemed to be admitting something he didn't want to say, but said anyway.

Before Midnight. Sun/Moon x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now