'7' Best Mood for Work.

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Humming a quiet little melody along with the music being played through the cell phone, the young mechanic was fixing a small piece of her new project. The device that would make Sun and Moon communicate with each other.

(Y/n) was focused on looking at the percentage on her tablet, how much she needed to finish the project. By the end of the afternoon she would start the tests. (Y/n) smirked and looked up, seeing the droid beside her white table, arms on top of the table, his head on top of his arms. Just watching the girl work.

(Y/n) looked down again and continued her work. The young woman knew from past experiences that she couldn't concentrate if someone was looking at her, thinking that the person would judge her for a wrong move or just distract her by asking random questions.

But with Sun, it was definitely different, he watched her for being really curious, obviously respected her for not asking questions as she worked, he expected her to sigh and get away from her project, showing that she was taking a little break, to so ask a question.

So the droid was just silently watching her work.

The girl took a pair of tweezers from the tool kit and brought it close to the small box, taking a small case from the top of the open box. Now having a deeper and better view of it. (Y/n) then turned to the side and took a tiny and important piece that was next to the tool kit and took it to the box, taking the same tweezers and fitting the important piece inside the box with a small click.

(Y/n) hummend a little before stopping and continuing to chew her gum, she used her tongue to move the gum to the other side of her mouth, continuing to chew while she was concentrating.

(Y/n) left her back straight and looked to the side, at the tablet, always checking for any sign of inaccuracy in the piece. Sun soon raised his head and finally said something, making the girl finish touching the tablet and taking one of her headphones.

"Hm?" (Y/n) hummed, now looking at the droid who had his hand on his round plastic chin. Sun had his other mechanical hand with his thumb outstretched, pointing at the garage door. "I'll go outside, okay?" Sun warned the human, standing up, he stretched, his hands stretched out all the way, touching the ceiling. (Y/n) turned her head to the side looking at Sun and she nodded. "Okay. Are you taking Sunbeam for a walk?"

Sun dropped his hands to the sides of his chest as he nodded quickly, determined. "Uhum!" he said excitedly. (Y/n) looked down again, with a smile, she caught a glimpse of Sun bouncing to the door. "Okay, just don't get too dirty. The grass must still be wet from yesterday." (Y/n) warned the droid, who was already outside, his voice echoed as he agreed with (Y/n).

"Okay, okay! I'll be careful!"

(Y/n) rolled her eyes playfully, finding the situation amusing. The human looked at the piece on the table and just watched it for a few seconds, thoughtful.

Her mind took her to many different angles and places, thinking how happy Sun and Moon would be to have this device installed on them. Even though (Y/n) wouldn't be able to hear their conversation, she knew they would be talking for hours about different things. (Y/n) also knew that Sun and Moon wouldn't leave her out of the conversation for too long, and would start talking out loud and say what the other said.

Afterwards, she thought about how things are evolving perfectly, slowly but flowing. It has been three months since (Y/n) turned on Sun and Moon systems. And Sun and Moon completely changed the environment, well, it was just natural for them. Create a complete atmosphere, full of charisma and comfort.

With a smile still planted on her face, (Y/n) sighed and bent forward again to continue working on her project.


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