'11' Measures for Protection.

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"Okay then, Beatrice. I'm on my way." (Y/n) ended the call that only lasted one minute. She closed the door of her van already prepared to leave the parking lot. "So, are we going to the park now? Are we? Are we?!" The robotic, energized voice that (Y/n) knew all too well exclaimed from the back of the van. Sun was in some sort of seat in the back of the van. Since the droid had just come off a visit, he simply decided to stay tuned until the girl arrived at another location where they would spend the afternoon.

"Yep." With a simple and direct answer, the girl started the van, already getting ready to leave. "Oh! Is Lucas coming along??" Sun asked excited to hear of his new maintenance partner. Since (Y/n) now had a social network about her project, she ended up getting a person who had a flexible schedule to start helping to handle Sun at events. Now she can make big plans like she imagined.

"Oh yeah, and he's probably...-" (Y/n) checked her cell phone, analyzing the time before hitting her guess. "-already in the park." Lucas was very punctual for some reason. Punctual was not the right word, he arrived half an hour early. So he exaggeratedly arrived on the spot before anyone else.

"Oh, how wonderful! Hey, Hey, Hey!" Sun suddenly exclaimed making (Y/n) turn around, she raised a confused eyebrow and saw Sun moving his hands up and down towards her. "Where's the seat belt?" (Y/n) snorted and pulled on her belt, revealing that it was already attached. "Too late, comrade. I had already done that." (Y/n) with an smug face watched Sun turn his head to the side, but did nothing. The girl took one last look at Sun to see if he was also secure around the seat and then drove the van away.

"It's gonna take a while?" Sun asked when it wasn't even two minutes into the trip. (Y/n) nodded. "Eh, a little. Like fifteen minutes. Why?"

"Let's play this or that!" (Y/n) watched the road with slightly wide eyes. Sun recently played this game with her this morning, now he wants to play it again? (Y/n) looked in the rearview mirror and saw Sun with a paper on his lap, and a pencil being worn down by him. Not a bad idea, as Sun needed to recalibrate his systems.

"Um, why not?" (Y/n) barely had time to speak when Sun immediately walked in his loud voice.

"Okay. My turn!" Sun exclaimed excitedly. He placed his index finger on his chin and let the sunrays swirl. He hummed loud and clear. "Ah! Ah! I know!" Sun suddenly exclaimed and started asking. "Okay, okay. If you could choose to go to the future, or the past. Which would you choose?" Sun looked to the side watching the girl drive while music played in the background. (Y/n) turned her head to the side but soon had to face forward again.

"Hm... I think I would go to the future." She said looking in the rearview mirror, being careful to drive the van to the venue. Sun turned his head to the side and curiously watched. "Oh? And why?" The girl frowned in confusion and laughed, not knowing how to respond. "Eh, because the past has already passed...?"

Sun blinked, and then deadpanned as he rolled his eyes. "Duh, it's obvious." Sun continued to scribble something on his lap and tried not to mess up the drawing while the girl drove, but it was an impossible mission to conquer.

"I mean. Maybe it would be good to go in the past. Because I would already know all the things that happened. Then it would be interesting to see how things would be if I already knew what was going to happen..." (Y/n) suddenly started doing a monologue of that idea. And Sun just behind listening as he doodled.

(Y/n) and Sun started this quiz game not too long ago. Sun started this game from the day (Y/n) had the flu, so he never stopped after that. (Y/n) even found it interesting, being honest. Because it was easier to ask the droid about his updates and he didn't even hesitate to answer, when he was usually sullen and distracted with other things to answer. And Sun was super excited when the girl agreed because then, depending on the question he asks, she tells a little bit more from her point of view. And it makes her get that adorable, animated storytelling way of hers.

Before Midnight. Sun/Moon x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now