Chapter 6: Annihilation Of Some Lesser Vampires

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Rimuru, Chloe and Kanade all rushed to the small town that was on fire. They rushed with their full speed in other to get to the town on time. Rimuru and Chloe would have gotten there in a blink of an eye, but they were keeping pace with Kanade.

"We are wasting time. I didn't want to use this cause I feel like it's cheating, on our adventure, but I've got no choice" Rimuru shouted

Just then, Rimuru, Chloe and Kanade disappeared and appeared in the middle of the burning town.

Kanade was shocked. The reason was because they were still a bit far from the town before, but now they are in the middle of the town. How did they get here?

"I teleported us here. We need to search for any survivors" Rimuru answered her thoughts.

"This is terrible" Chloe said looking at the burning city.

A group of ten people ran to where Rimuru, Chloe and Kanade were. They stopped after they had surrounded them.

One of the people surrounding them stepped forward "It looks like there are still some survivors left in this town"

"We need to hurry up and kill them before the boss gets mad" one of the people surrounding them said

Rimuru calmly looked at all of them "You people are Vampires right? Why would you do this to this town?"

The group of Vampires looked at eachother before they burst out laughing at Rimuru's questions.

"Imagine this meal questioning us" one of the vampires said in between laugh

"We don't have time for this. Let's kill them and be done with it" another said

Rimuru turned to Chloe "You know what to do Chloe"

Chloe nodded "Leave it to me"

Chloe then drew her sword which put all the group of Vampires on guard. She slashed her sword and returned it to its sheath in a blink of an eye. Immediately after she did that, all the vampires that surrounded them fell to the ground with their heads separated from their body and a torrent of blood gushing out from their lifeless bodies.

Kanade who was on guard ever since they were surrounded, became surprised and confused "What happened to them?"

"I cut off all their heads before either of them could comprehend what happened" Chloe told her casually

Kanade gulped and nodded her head after hearing Chloe's explanation. She made a vow to always stay on Chloe's good side.

"Listen up! Spread out and search for any survivors in this town. If you encounter any Vampire on the way, kill them with no mercy" Rimuru instructed them

They all nodded and ran to different direction.

Kanade ran to a part of town were the fire was weakest. She reached the streets and saw two vampires cutting down a man who was protecting a little girl whom she presume was his daughter. The little girl who looks like she is four was shouting and crying for the vampires to spare her father while the vampires were cutting her father up piece by piece in a very gruesome way.

Kanade after seeing the man brutally butchered by the vampires, rushed to assist before they kill the little girl as well. She casted a simple fire spell to get the two vampires attention.

The two vampire turned around after sensing magic behind them, only to see a ball of flame heading to them. They jumped into the air and avoided the flaming ball which vanished after missing them. They landed on the ground and looked to see who casted that fire spell. They saw Kanade standing there and glaring at them

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