Chapter 31: Miyuki's Goal Revealed

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Miyuki and Rimuru were still staring at eachother without moving. Meanwhile, the giants on the ground have all long since passed out the moment Miyuki stepped foot inside the lower realm. Not just them but every leaving creature in the lower realm have all passed out after Miyuki stepped into it. This is including the people from the cardinal world of the lower realm like the true dragons, the octagram, saints and so on. No being in the infinite multiverse of the lower realm was able to resist not passing out from Miyuki's presence in the lower realm. The reason the lower realm have yet to vanish is because Rimuru's presence is acting like a support for the lower realm.

Back to what is happening, Miyuki smiled at Rimuru "I think you know why I'm here. I can't have you erasing my lower gods who all have my blessings you know"

"Me erasing them was because they annoyed me and nothing more. They are too insignificant for me to bare any emotion towards. Now then, let's get down to business" Rimuru told her

"I like that straight forward approach of yours. Why don't we take our chat where these lesser beings won't cease to exist by being near us" Miyuki then vanished as if she wasn't there in the first place.

Rimuru turned to Chloe and Lilith "I'll be back in a sec. Look after everyone Chloe and make sure that those five lower gods don't cause any damage in the lower realm"

After saying that, Rimuru vanished as well leaving Chloe, Lilith and Yoshino to watch the five lower gods. They didn't have to do much because the five lower gods refused to move from their spot in the air. The reason is because they know that with all their powers, they wouldn't stand even a snowball chance against High gods. They could maybe take on Yoshino since she is only a lower god like them, but Chloe and Lilith were out of the question. If there move carelessly, they have know doubt that either Chloe or Lilith could erase all five of them without a trace.

Rimuru appeared inside an empty void where nothing exist, not even concepts. He seems to have changed his outfit to his true dragon outfit with his white cloke on his shoulders

 He seems to have changed his outfit to his true dragon outfit with his white cloke on his shoulders

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Rimuru looked at his front and saw Miyuki floating in the void with him. Saying that nothing exist in that void is a little wrong because there were three tiny dots inside the void. On closer inspection, the dots were glowing and there were of different size and were floating in an ascending order close to each other. The first dots was massively bigger than the second dot and the second dot was massively bigger than the third dot. These dots were glowing a bright colour, but they were tiny from Rimuru's and Miyuki perspective.

"Beautiful isn't it. Only the both of us are strong enough to exist in this place" Miyuki told him

"Not surprising considering that this void is the origin of everything in existence. No one who is still bound by concepts can ever survive here. Now what do you want from me?" Rimuru asked her

Miyuki smiled and walked in the void as if she was walking on solid ground, but was actually walking in an empty space until she reached the three tiny dots "Tell me Rimuru Tempest, have you ever felt that this is not where you belong?"

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