Chapter 9: Love Between Two Gods

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Rimuru, Chloe, Kanade, Yoshino and the little girl that Kanade saved were travelling through the forest that would lead them to the Vampires Kingdom. After the incident of the burning town, the little girl who Kanade saved woke up and began to panic in fright from seeing so many new people, but after she saw Chloe, she became very clingy and attached to her and always calls her mama.

Rimuru couldn't stop laughing from seeing Chloe's face after the little girl called her mama. Chloe tried to tell her that she was not her mother, but seeing the little girl on the brink of tears, made her to accept it and became a mom to the little girl.

Chloe asked the little girl what her name is and she told her that it was Sofia. Chloe then used her powers to make a dress for Sofia which she happily wore

 Chloe then used her powers to make a dress for Sofia which she happily wore

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Rimuru and the others could not believe how cute Sofia was. Everyone began to dote on her which caused Yoshino to become jealous. Yoshino went and clinged to Rimuru and began to call him papa which caused Chloe to be the one laughing at him with Rimuru blushing from embarrassment. After that, they all resumed their journey to the vampires kingdom.

Currently, Rimuru and Chloe along with Yoshino and Sofia were seating down on a tree branch while watching Kanade fending off against dire wolves packs that came to attack them.

Dire wolf in this world are similar to those of Rimuru and Chloe's world, but what differentiate between the two is that Dire wolf from this world can't speak while those from Rimuru's original world can talk. The Dire Wolves from this world are simply like wild wolves that hunt anything that looks eatable.

At the moment, a total of fifty dire wolves were facing Kanade in a fight. Kanade could have ended the fight with a single spell, but Rimuru asked her to put on a show for the two children with them.

So because of that, Kanade watched the wolves that surrounded her with a calm look. The dire wolves roared and began to rush her with their mouth open ready to bite her, but they all bit an invisible barrier that surrounded Kanade.

Kanade flew up immediately and raised her staff in the air which caused multiple ice spears to appear in the sky. She sent the ice spears at the helpless dire wolves who could do nothing but watch as the spears pierced them without mercy. Up to twenty three wolves died from that while the rest were gravely wounded.

Kanade clicked her fingers and multiple fire ball appeared in the air which she sent at the dying dire wolves. A huge explosion occurred where the wolves were lying after the fire balls made contact with them.

Kanade then pointed her staff and the earth were the dead bodies of the dire wolves were lying began to rise in the air. As the earth with the dire wolves rose to the air, Kanade pointed at it with her staff. Her staff them released a massive lightning that looked like white lazer which fired at the earth with the dire wolves and destroyed it without a trace.

Kanade breathed a sigh of relief after she was done. She flew back to where Rimuru and the others were seating.

She landed in front of them and smiled "How did I do master?"

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