Chapter 18: Lilith Meets Rimuru

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Long ago before the world was created, there was nothing but void. In this void where nothing should exist was the home of the powerful Deity who created the whole world. The name of the almighty being was Veldanava and he was the supreme deity who created the world. His powers was without equal and he resides in the vast endless void as his home. Due to the fact that Veldanava was all alone, he created the infinite multiverse in other to have some companions to talk with. But alas, he was on a higher realm of existence than that of the mortals he created.

With this fact in his mind, Veldanava gave up his powers and became mortal just like his creation. He fell in love with one of his creation and had a daughter. Eventually, this almighty being was killed by the same mortals he created leaving his vast powers to scatter throughout the infinite multiverse.

For some reason, his vast powers were all scattered to a particular universe and was inherited by some mortals inside that universe. Those mortals were able to evolve with the vast powers of the creator running through them and became just like the creator. That's right, those mortals evolved into Deities and became the deities who governs the laws of their world.

Among all the mortal who evolved into deities, one stood out as her powers easily surpassed all those who received the creators power. She mastered her new found powers and kept growing until she was able to surpass the power of the creator herself. All other deities felt envy at her powers, but no one was able to voice it out due to their fear of her turning all those power on them. She became the new overall ruler of all creation but this deity was still not satisfied.

The reason was because she felt like she was trapped inside someone's scenario or story. She wanted to break free of the reality which was made by the other creator but try as she might, she did not have the power to do so. This deity realised that not even the previous creator was able to break free of such binding. As powerful as she was, she was not Omnipotent nor was she omniscience. She was powerful yes, but she knew she was not Omnipotent. The reason was because some of the other deities were closing in on catching up to her power with the way they keep evolving. It was only a matter of time before one of them will reach her level and challenge her.

That was the reason why she knew she was not Omnipotent because her powers can still be reached if one meets the right condition to evolve. This was also the reason she new that the previous creator was not Omnipotent as well since she was able to surpass him in existence and power. She needed to reach the level where her powers will become irrelevant due to how vast it will be. That's right, she needed her powers to become Omnipotent without equal.

With that in mind, this deity set out and traveled the infinite vast worlds in search of a way to truly boost her powers but she found none. After so many, many years of trying and failing, she returned to her original world and gave up on the idea. But that changed when she felt it. She felt hope return to her because she has confirmed that what she has been searching for does in fact exist. That's right, she felt that a mortal from one of the infinite worlds was able to reach that level. She did not know who this mortal was, but she felt it's powers dwarf her own by an uncountable and unimaginable level and it was able to trascend to the place she has dreamed all her life to go to.

A world outside reality. Due to her vast powers, she was able to discover that a world does in fact exist outside the reality which is the infinite world all creation resides in. She knew of such world existence, but she does not have the power to go there. Hence why she felt she was being controlled by a superior being from above. She knew that only an entity whose power is Omnipotent can exist in such world which is why she wanted desperately to evolve her powers but failed. At one point, she even doubted whether such place exist in the first place and if all this was her imagination.

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