Chapter 28: The Crisis In The Giant Tribe

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The little female giant rushed with all her might away from the black Dragon that wants to kill her. She looked ahead of her and saw some people that looked like humans near a carriage. She got really worried and began to scream at them

"Run away while you can. The dragons are attacking the lower realm" The little female giant screamed at them.

Rimuru disappeared and appeared behind the little female giant and floated between her and the black Dragon. The little female giant turned around and saw that the dragon has stopped chasing her and is now facing Rimuru without moving.

"What's going on? Why did he stop chasing me?" The little female giant asked herself

Chloe floated next to the little female giant "You should rest now. That Dragon won't bother you again"

The little female giant turned to her in panic "You don't understand. No one in the lower realm can defeat a dragon. They came from the middle realm which is above everything in the lower realm. We need to run while we still have the chance"

Lilith couldn't help but laugh a little "Little giant girl! I know why you would say that but trust us and don't worry"

"Yeah! Papa will never lose to anyone. He is the strongest person I know" Sofia said to her with her adorable smile

Meanwhile, Kanade was looking at the dragon in shock and fear "So this is what a being from the middle realm is like. This dragon powers is so unfathomable. The world, no, the multiverse cannot begin to measure to its powers"

Yoshino was also looking at the dragon in shock "I know what you mean big sis Kanade. With papa and mama, I can't feel a single drop of their power, but I know that they are extremely strong since I can use a bit of their powers that I have weaved. But this dragon's power is so out of this world. I have never felt anything like this before in my life"

The little female giant turned to Yoshino and Kanade "If you understand that, then we should run now that it is distracted"

"I know how scared you are little giant, but don't worry. That Dragon forfeited his life the moment my husband laid eyes on it" Chloe told her with a smile

The female giant wanted to ignore this strange humans and run, but something she can't explain is compelling her to stay and watch how it goes.

The Black Dragon was floating in the air while looking at the blue haired human before him "Who are you and why are you standing in my way?"

Rimuru smirked at the dragon "Why ask me that when your kind look down on every being in the lower realm?"

"True, but you are different. You are not a resident of this realm are you?" The black Dragon asked

"I'm not actually, but that doesn't matter. As for my name, is Rimuru Tempest" Rimuru told him

"If you stand in my way, I will destroy you and this world" The Black Dragon warned

"Try me lizard. Your death will serve as a warning that this realm is under my protection" Rimuru told him

"Arrogant worm. Die!" The black Dragon opened its mouth and began to gather a massive amount of power inside it.

As he was gathering that power inside its mouth, the heavens and the earth were shaking. The air felt heavy and the world was shaking due to how dense the power the dragon is concentrating is. The dragon then fired the breath attack at Rimuru. The speed the breath attack was moving was out of this world and it was heading to Rimuru.

The breath attack with the force it carried was able to reach Rimuru in an instant but it vanished the moment it reached Rimuru.

"Wha!" The Black Dragon was confused

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