Chapter 30: The Fated Arrival

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Yoshino who was still glowing in her dazzling light looked around the giant kingdom and saw that it was restored. Even so, those who have died were still dead and she couldn't resurrect them because she doesn't have the authority to do so. Not that she doesn't have the power to do so, but the Universal laws created by Miyuki permits only the deities with her direct divine protection the authority to resurrect. Which means that only the deities can resurrect a soul. Creating a soul is different however, anyone who has the power to, could easily create a soul. Only Rimuru who trascends all laws and concepts have the power to resurrect a soul regardless of the laws of the world.

Though, there are ways for those without Miyuki's blessing to bypass the laws of the world. An example is when Chloe healed King Edward. Back when Chloe healed King Edward, she didn't resurrect him after he died, but rather reversed his time to the point before he died which brought him back to life. As she is the goddess of time, she controls all history and timeline and she is the one who manages the time tree which is the source of all time and history in existence. Though, this won't be necessary if Rimuru gives a person his permission to resurrect a soul. After all, he is on an equal level with the goddess who rules the cosmos.

Back to the present, Yoshino flew down to where he sensed Rimuru and the other where. She landed in front of Rimuru and Sofia who was hugging him.

"Papa, it seems that I have accended just like you said I would" Yoshino said to Rimuru in excitement

Rimuru smiled and patted her head "That you have. You have yet to reach the peak of your powers, but you are on the right track. You are even stronger than Kanade now"

"Hey!" Kanade exclaimed "She may have surpassed me now, but I will catch up to her soon"

"Big sis..." Yoshino turned to Sofia "Will I ever be as strong as you?"

"Of course you will Sofia. With enough training and hardwork, you will be stronger than me in no time" Yoshino patted Sofia in the head

Chloe and Lilith flew down to where everyone was "I've never been as shocked as I am now. I don't think any one from our world is a match for Yoshino now"

"Crazy! The powers gushing out of Yoshino now is equal to that of a lower god. Her aura is enough to destroy all the worlds and dimensions in the lower realm. How is the worlds not yet destroyed by her presence?" Lilith asked in confusion

"I wouldn't want the worlds in the lower realm to be destroyed. So I'm kinda strengthening all the infinite worlds in the lower realm with my powers. Before that, Yoshino! Could you deactivate your ultimate battle mode?" Rimuru asked her

"Sure thing papa" Yoshino closed her eyes and deactivated her Ultimate Battle Form and suppressed her aura which brought a huge relief for Kinlith who was behind them.

Kinlith looked at Rimuru and the others in shock and fear 'From their conversation just now, it is obvious that these are deities. No wander the dragons from the middle realm were helpless against them. What could beings from the middle realm do to deities from the higher realm? The dragons didn't stand a chance. But still, just what are deities doing in the lower realm? I hope they don't choose to erase us all'

Rimuru turned to Kinlith "Could you show us where the leader of the giants is?"

Kinlith looked down in sadness after hearing Rimuru's questions "The leader of the giants is my father and he was the apostle who died fighting the dragons. It was after his death that the dragons began to destroy everything in sight"

"Well that's not shocking. After all, the apostle are as strong as the generals serving the major power in the lower realm. They won't be a match for any dragon who trascendes everything in the lower realm. But do not worry, I have already resurrected everyone who died in the giant kingdom" Rimuru told her

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