Chapter 19: Rimuru's Avatar Explained

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Rimuru watched Lilith as she kept watching him with fear in her eyes. Rimuru chuckled a little before she began

"To explain the history of my avatar in your world, I must first of all explain how your world came to be"

Lilith gulped "I feel like I'm about to be exposed to the most outrageous information in existence"

Rimuru laughed "It might be outrageous to you, but not to me. Let's begin with explaining what reality actually is. Reality is the fragment of my imagination made form due to my vast existence. My imagination becomes reality which is why I said that the world is a part of me. In all this infinite realities I've made, none of them was with life and all of them were empty and filled with nothing but void. Due to my boredom, I decided to create beings who were closest to me in existence and place them in the various realities I've made. These beings are who you mortals refer to as the supreme deity or supreme god"

Lilith looked surprised "Are you saying that you were the one who created Veldanava who was the supreme deity of my world?"

"O that child. He was my favourite creation due to the fact that he was my only creation that did not know of my existence. If fact, none of the being in your world know of my existence" Rimuru told her

"Forgive me for asking but how can that be?" Lilith asked

"Well, I created all those children in all the realities and asked them to continue the creation of the world. They did their job like I asked, but it got boring when all the creation keep praising and worshipping me. Before any of them could take any action, they will make sure to ask for my permission. How can I not be bored when I'm the one giving instructions on how they are to live their lives. So I got this idea of making a world and hide my existence from them and see how there will build their own world" Rimuru explained to her

"So that's why we don't know anything about your existence. We always believed that Veldanava was the overall Deity before Miyuki took his place" Lilith said in shock

"I haven't even gotten to the interesting part yet and you are already shocked? The story is just getting to the good part you know. So then, after I created Veldanava without revealing myself to him, I watched as he created multiple worlds in your reality and ruled all of them. He used the energy of nothingness and combined it with his own energy to create the world. It was quite amusing watching mortals in your world believe that their power was absolute and before I knew it, several years has passed in your world"

"That is quite the revelation your holiness, but this hasn't explained anything about your avatar and why you brought me here" Lilith told Rimuru

"I've told you how the realities were made and how the multiverse inside them were created, but what I didn't tell you is who I sent to monitor each realities" Rimuru said to her in a serious voice

Lilith gulped once again after she heard the tone of Rimuru "Isn't it the supreme deities?"

"Nope. I sent my avatars into each realities as observers to monitor them. I placed a single mission in them which is to destroy any reality that seems boring and useless to me. My avatars are independent of me and I don't interfere with their choices, but each of them are aware of my existence and the mission I gave them. Due to this, they usually don't interact with the mortal world and simply carry out my orders when the time comes" Rimuru told them

Lilith looked at Rimuru in shock. This entity just gave her avatar a mission to destroy any world that seems boring to her. That was beyond cruel, but she can't argue with her because she is an existence that she cannot begin to comprehend.

"That look in your face say that my actions are cruel and from a mortal point of view, it might be correct. But the thing is all this reality are a part of me. Should I fell sorry for removing a part of myself that I don't like anymore?" Rimuru asked her

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