Chapter 14: A One Sided Battle

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Rimuru was casually watching the Elder vampires that surrounded him and his daughters. He gestured for his daughters to shift back in other for them not to interfere in the fight. Once his daughters have shifted back, Rimuru turned to the five Elder vampires that were watching him

"I'm very curious on how strong an Elder Vampire is. So don't hold anything back or you will die ok" Rimuru told them

"Hahahahaha. Check out the mouth of this weakling Kushina" Shi said while laughing

"Is it really necessary for us all to team up against this weak human?" Kushina asked

"Heck if I know. That queen of our is a slave driver sometimes" Hayate said while sighing

"You should really watch what you say Hayate. The queen may tolerate your attitude, but I won't" Yami said while glaring at Hayate

"Whatever you say Yami. I'm gonna seat this one out since it is obvious you guys won't need me in this fight" Hayate said while walking away to a safe distance

Hinata sighed "She always does what she wants, doesn't she?"

"Leave her. Let's focus on this cocky human for now. I'm itching to fight her and see what she got" Shi said while preparing her gloves

"You are always eager to fight ain't you? Not like I can do much fighting myself anyway. I will stand back from this fight since if I join, he will die in an instant and you wouldn't want that" Yami said to her

"Damn straight I wouldn't. Seat this one out too if you don't mind Hinata" Shi told her with a cocky smile

Kushina brought out her blade and pointed it at Yoshino and Sofia "I will be killing the little children since they have no value in them"

"Knock yourself out. Just don't get in my way" Shi said

Kushina nodded and vanished from her spot. It's not that she vanished per say, it was more like she turned invisible. This is her unique power which allows her to become invisible to any manner of sensing in existence. To be more accurate, she simply transferred herself to another dimension which is the parallel of this world.

*Brief Explanation*

To make it simple, the world has two sides: the physical plane which is the known world that everyone and everything resides in and the nothing world which is basically the other side of the physical plane. This nothing world is basically a mirror image of the physical world with the difference being that nothing exist in it. This world filled with nothing is known as Alternate dimension. Only a few people who possess space magic can enter this world and those who managed to enter this world can interact with those of the physical plane while those of the physical plane can never sense, perceive or interact with those in the Alternate dimension.

Not all space magic users can enter the Alternate dimension as it requires an understanding of spiritual existence and an enormous amount of magic power which not everyone possess. Though, the reason why the Alternate dimension is a place only few beings can enter is because, only spiritual beings who possesses an enormous amount of magic power with space magic can survive the Alternate dimension. Any living being that tries to enter the Alternate dimension will die the moment he/she steps into that world due to the very nature of the place.

And since that world is filled with nothing, nothing will exist in that world. This means that when someone enters the Alternate dimension, they can never return to the physical plane. This is because, the  Alternate dimension erases everything that is foreign to it since the world is basically made up of nothing. Things like magic, equipment, body, power, concept etc. This is why no leaving being can survive the Alternate dimension and why no one who has ever entered the Alternate dimension has ever returned.

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