Chapter 17: Chloe Vs Lilith Final Battle

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After Chloe has released her Turn Null energy, she got into a battle stance while Lilith glared at her

"This will be my full power Lilith. If you have anything you can use, now will be the time to use it" Chloe gave her final warning

"Don't get cocky just because you used a strange power goddess Chloe" Lilith said to her in anger

"Don't say I didn't warn you because from now on, I won't hold back anymore"

Chloe dashed at Lilith with an her speed increased which Lilith barley followed. Once she reached Lilith, Chloe slashed her sword at her, but Lilith raised her hand which she covered in her darkness and used it to blocked Chloe's slash or tried to at least..

Due to the fact that Chloe is being powered by Turn Null energy and that her sword is covered by it, she easily cut through Lilith hand using her sword and this greatly shocked Lilith.

Lilith jumped back immediately after she saw her hand being cut by Chloe. She glared at Chloe as she tried to regenerate her severed hand, but try as she might, her hand would not regenerate.

"Why can't I regenerate my arm?" Lilith asked in confusion

Chloe smirked at her "I told you that this energy returns everything to nothing. Your hand has been returned to how it should have been which is nothingness. Nothing can heal from a wound inflicted by this energy"

Lilith got worried after hearing that explanation. If what Chloe said is through, then her life is in danger if she is directly hit by that energy.

As Lilith was thinking of a counter measure, Chloe appeared in front of her without her even perceiving Chloe's movement

'Shit! She has gotten tremendously faster than before. I can't follow her speed at this rate' Lilith thought to herself in alarm

Chloe used the opportunity of Lilith distraction to kicked her in the jaw with her full strength which sent Lilith flying through the sky at light speed until she crashed into the moon and caused a massive destruction on the moon with her impact.

Lilith could not believe the physical strength of Chloe. She was very thankful of her darkness which is the only reason Chloe's kick did not separate her head from her body. At the last second before Chloe kicked her, Lilith used her darkness to strengthen her skin and made it as hard as it can be which is why her head is still attached to her body even after receiving Chloe's full powered kick. She stood up and discovered that she was no longer in her world but on the moon.

"Unbelievable! To think that she sent me flying to the moon with only a kick" Lilith said to herself in astonishment

As she was still trying to understand what was happening, Chloe appeared next to her with her sword raised and ready to slash her. Lilith with her share instinct was able to jump out of the way which left Chloe's sword to crash at the floor of the moon. The moment Chloe's sword crashed on the moon, it got sliced in half due to the force of Chloe's sword.

Lilith looked in shocked as the moon was sliced in two by the goddess that was after her life. She didn't have time to think because Chloe was already looking at her.

'My darkness will no longer work on her as her power is erasing them on contact. I have to condense it in other to win' Lilith thought to herself

She used her darkness to create an artificial arm for the arm she lost. After she did that, she began to gather all her darkness to a single point in her new darkness arm. The darkness she was concentrating was taking the shape of a scythe in her new hand. It took a few minutes but Lilith was able to gather all her darkness into the shape of a scythe which she now wield in her hand as she faced Chloe

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