the hogwarts express - year 1

35 3 13

"Mummy when are we finally there!", James asked desperately.

"Soon enough, see, we're already in London.", Ginny patiently answered.

"Well, someone's excited.", Teddy grinned amused.

James threw him a look, "Don't tell me you weren't on your first day. Oh Albus, I even think I'll miss you!"

"That's some James we don't know yet. Don't worry, once you're at Hogwarts, you'll feel just like home. And Teddy's there too.", Harry told him.

"But he's a Hufflepuff! No offense, but I won't end up in Hufflepuff."

"None taken, I'm happy there. But I can still take care of you there, also- HARRY, I FORGOT TO TELL YOU! HOW COULD I, IT SHOULD'VE BEEN THE SURPRISE WHEN I ARRIVED! DAMN THIS SHIT!", Teddy suddenly shouted."

"Watch your language a little bit, you are of age, but I'm still your caring godfather. Tell me then, what is it?", Harry asked smiling.

"I'M FU- sorry, I'M HEAD BOY!", Teddy cheered.

The whole car shrieked with delight: "NO WAY TEDDY!"


"Blimey, our Teddy, Head Boy-"

"I'm proud of you, that surely is an achievement!"

Teddy grinned proudly, as he continued to speak to James after the noise had subsided: "Anyway, since I'm Head Boy, I can take house points from whoever is bothering you."

"Ah, Teddy dear, don't misuse your power. McGonagall has given it to you for a reason.", Ginny said.

"However, if someone IS giving our James a hard time, I think nobody will notice", she added.

Lily giggled: "Oh, make Gryffindor win the House Cup, will you?"

She sat snuggled up to James, hugging him tightly with her short arms.

Teddy grinned, "Believe me, if it worked that way, I would've made Hufflepuff win the last two years."

"MUM, DAD, IS THIS KING'S CROSS?", James had spotted the clock tower.

"Yes, yes, we just have to find a parking spot.", Harry replied.

Lily was close to tears now: "Jamesieee can't you just go next year? I don't want you to go."

James hugged her, but didn't answer because his eyes were fixed upon King's Cross Station in expectation.


"So, Teddy and Albus, you want to go first?" Harry asked.

They had arrived at the barrier to platform nine and three-quarters.

"Oh yes Teddy, please let's go!", Albus was delighted to go with Ted.

After they had disappeared through the barrier, Ginny followed with Lily, and now only Harry and James were left.

"So are you too old to go with your Dad through the barrier or should we go together?", Harry smirked.

"Well, I wouldn't mind going alone, but I guess you'd very much like to go with me.", James replied coolly.

Harry knew exactly that James'd rather go with Harry, especially on his first time going to Hogwarts, so he didn't go into further detail but grabbed the luggage car together with James.

They sped up towards the barrier, they were almost running now, closer and closer they came until the barrier was right in front of them.

James closed his eyes aaaand- through they were.

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