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The next days on, Dominiques anger slowly faded, and even though she kept glaring at James when they hit the topic of his threatening, they were soon back to normal.

She really did keep her promise, she followed him almost everywhere what unfortunately meant that she forced James and the others to have a homework and study period during the afternoon.

James was used to do everything last minute at night, and really didn't want to do those study periods, so he did everything except studying.

"Alright, do you think ten marshmallows will fit into my mouth?", James asked on one of those study sessions.

They had sneaked a whole package of marshmallows out of the kitchen for James and Lucas claimed they could study better with sugar.

They couldn't.

"You're so stupid.", Leo stated.

"And a shame to society. Do fifteen.", Lucas ordered.

James did twelve.

And then he panicked.

"Mhmgnnnnh!", he tried to say.

"What? Can't understand you, sorry.", Lucas laughed.

"Mmmnhggg!", James signed desperately to his mouth, and tried to get the marshmallows out again that he had stuffed so carefully into his mouth.

Lucas, Alice, Dominique and Leo just laughed at him the whole time, and it took James at least half a minute to remove one marshmallow.

Because that had been the one that stuffed everything together, the rest went out easier, and after another half a minute, James sighed: "Dear, I almost thought I'd never get them out again."

"It would serve you right.", Alice snickered.

"Have you heard from this theory that you can put a light bulb into your mouth, but can't get it out without damaging it?"

"What's a light bulb?", Dominique asked.

"Oh, come on, just forget about my theory already. I really need other friends. You guys don't even know Star Wars.", Leo said dramatic.

"We know Obi-Wan Kenobi.", James snickered.

"You know Obi-Wan but don't know Chewbacca. That's nothing to be proud of."

"You know what?", Dominique interrupted, "I'm going to do my studying with Liz again. I achieve nothing with you."

"So we're free?", James cheered triumphantly.

"Only for the afternoon. While we study."

"Yessir!", Lucas called, highfiving James, "We're going sledding."

"What? Without me? No way. Mini-", Alice started, absolutely not wanting to study anything.

"I'm coming with you, who knows how long the weather will be this good.", Dominique sighed.

That was the end of Dominiques attempt to talk James and the others into studying.


Professor Thornton held up five vials of Pompion Potion.

"Now, they're all excellent, but I think this one...", he held up James' flask, examining it with clenched eyes, "... has outdone the others a tiny little bit."

James punched his fist in the air, being thrilled about having the best potion.

Lucas fell back into his seat: "And I thought I really outdid you all this time."

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