first hostilities - year 1

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It was already a few weeks into school, and James felt just like home.

He was happy, he had friends, he had it easy in school, everything was fine, even the shock from the end of the first week was already gone and he had come over the fact he wasn't allowed on the team.

Right now he sat in Charms and tried to get a book to hover in front of him.

It wasn't exactly a hard thing for him but maybe he should've practiced a little bit mote last week, but everything was just too exciting.

Dominique right in front of him made her book fly in a perfect manner, but well, James thought determined, she always did her homework, mostly with Alice and Elizabeth.

He wondered how she did so, he himself did everything always last minute, and practical things he usually left out completely.

Lucas was exactly the same and even though his results weren't as good as James' he came through fine.

Leo at least tried because of him being muggleborn and still having it hard get the whole magic thing.

And Benjamin- well he studied and read very much, and results were showing.

He was on top of the class what halfway bothered James because he knew he could easily surpass him with a little bit more learning, but on the other hand, why learn when you can do so many different things?

"Wingardium Leviosa!", he waved at his book for the fifth time.

"I don't know why it doesn't work, it always did!", he said frustrated to Lucas, who at least let his book turn in the air before it fell back down.

"Ugh! Wingardium Leviosa!", he waved his wand wildly around in the air as Professor Flitwick was just approaching his desk to have a look at his performance.

"Potter!", the tiny professor shrieked and startled, James watched Professor Flitwick rise up in the air in front of him.

"Get me down this instant!"

The whole class had begun to laugh, Lucas was shaking with laughter, and now James, too wasn't able to hold back anymore.


"I- I don't know how.", he snickered, unable to prevent it.

"Lower your wand! Sloaaaaaaaah!", 'Slow', Professor Flitwick had wanted to add, but it was already to late.

He plopped down onto Dominiques table and quickly hopped back down on the floor and collected himself again.

James was crying with laughter, he couldn't even stop as Professor Flitwick stepped right in front of him.

"I take this was an accident, so I want you to concentrate from now on. Another incident like this and you will probably end up in detention.", he said, but not entirely serious, "Now get on."

The whole class was still laughing, but after a few minutes everyone was practicing again.

James happily let his book hover in front of him: "It was this small movement that was missing, Professor Flitwick was really helping."

Leo laughed: "Yeah, as a test object."


When they stepped out of the Charms classroom, three Slytherins were expecting them.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't famous James Potter.", the tall one with black hair said.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't some boy I don't even know the name of.", James replied coolly.

Hi, it's James. James Potter.Where stories live. Discover now