Chapter10: Using.

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Authors note; this chapter is in Claudia's POV :) enjoy x

Katie is such a nice person, I'm glad I got to meet her. I have never really told anyone about my mum and all my troubles, like I did Katie. I know I oh just met her but something just came over me. I felt as if I could tell her anything and she's wouldn't judge me one bit. We had a lot in common, with both our mums being dead in all. It's too bad that Katie isn't in my next lesson, it would have been nice to spend more time getting to know her. Never mind, she's going to walk me to my class and meet me after the lesson. So all good really. "Right, I'll meet you in an hour then" Katie stopped in front of my class with a friendly smile. I didn't understand why not many people liked her. "Yeah, I'll see you in a bit" I replied giving back a friendly smile. Katie turned round and made her own way to class. Hopefully I don't have to stand in front of the class and explain who I am. I hate having to do that! I placed my hand on the door handle and walked into the classroom. Everyone was chatting in their groups, maybe I could get away with hiding in the back. "Ah, you must be the new girl Claudia? I'm Mr Dickson. There's a spare sit at the back" I was stopped in my tracks by the teacher. Well at least I don't have to send in font of the class. I headed to the back and sat own to what seemed to be a empty table. Looks like I'm lucky enough to be able to sit by myself. I was never really a people's person.

It was now five minutes into the lesson. When I jumped out of my skin, when the door slammed open. In came someone that was going to make this lesson a whole lot more interesting. "Sorry im late sir" Said the cutest guy i have seen, since i moved here. "Just take your seat sam" Mr Dickson replied, as if he did this all the time. "Sam" thats a really attractive name. Common but attractive. Sam turned and started making his way to the back of the room. My heart started to race thinking that he was going to sit next to me. He gave me a quick smile but soon to be proven wrong of the seating arrangement as he takes the seat at the table to the left of mine. Turns out he was also sitting alone. My eyes couldnt help but peek in his direction. God knows how many times i had done this so far. Once again i looked to my left, this time to be caught! He looked up just as i looked at him. He let out a small chuckle. I knew i was now about to go bright red. I covered the left side of my face. hoping he didnt see me, turning into a bright red tomato. I didnt look at him anymore. I started to go into a daydream. Then i heard the words "Sam and Claudia, you can work together" Thats when i became fully awake. I looked at Sam who was now getting up. I gave him a weak smile as he took a seat next to me.

"Im guessing you're new here?" He started off the convestation. I knew for a fact i wouldnt have to guts to say something first. "Uh, Yeah" I answered with a little shy laugh. Trying to not to embarrass myself. "Cool, Im kinda new here as well" He replied. "really?" i think i sounded a bit more shocked than i was suposse to. "Well yeah, sort of. I moved away a few years back and only came back a few months ago. You sounded surprised?" he answered, looks like he did notice that he caught me by surprise. "ha, yeah. Well when you walked in late, Sir spoke in a way that came across as if it was nothing new" I explained. "You stand corrected. Mr Dickson also taught me before i moved, so he knows all about me" He replied with which seemed to look like a smirk. I started to learn a lot about Sam. Turns out he also lost his mother like me. That is now two people i have met in one day, that have lost their mums. Thats kinda weird, dont you think? "Hey, we should hang out at lunch" Sam suggested. He must think im alright, if he wants to spend more time with me. To be fair, im not complaining. "Sure but i am hanging around with Katie and her boyfriend Nathan but you are more than welcome to join us" I didnt see the problem with sam joining us. Katie and Nathan dont seem to be the type to judge or kick up a fuss. "Oh, so you know Katie then?" He replied raising his eyebrows. I wasnt sure wherever it was a good or bad thing. "Eh, yeah. We sit next to eachother in science. Turns out we have a lot in common" I answered with a little smile hoping that knowing katie wasnt a bad thing. I dont see why it would be. "cool, me and katie go way back! Im glad you two have a lot in common" He replied with once again what i think is a smirk but i cant be sure. The lesson soon came to a end. Me and Sam stood up and got our stuff together. "I just need to speak to my science teacher but I'll meet you at a table?" Sam told me. "Yeah, sure see you in a bit" I replied as i made my way out of the classroom.

Just as she said Katie was standing outside waiting for me. "How was it?" She asked with the same friendly face she had on before class. "It went well, Sir sort of left me to it" I answered. After getting our food we took a seat on the same table that Nathan was sitting at. I hadnt really spoken to Nathan yet but he seems like a really nice guy. Katie took a seat next to Nathan, while i sat opposite them. Katie gave Nathan a quick kiss on the cheek, which i thought was sweet. Nathan didnt reply though, not even with a smile. Was there something wrong? I noticed that he didnt even have any lunch in front of him. Thats when i tried to make convesation with him. "Hey, Nathan wheres your lunch then?" I asked i think maybe that wasnt the best way to start it off. I told you i was bad. Katie looked up from eating his pasta. She stared at Nathan waiting for him to answer. "Oh, erm i ate it before you two came. I was really hungry so i didnt wait" He answered with a weak but cold smile. He looked like he had a lot on his mind. Im sure Katie did say something about Nathan being a bit distance lately. I was snapped out of my thoughts just has Sam jumped down beside me. "Hey guys" he spoke to all of us as he got comfortable. Katie looked up from her pasta once again but this time with a surprised look on her face. I decided to try and wipe that look of her face. "Sam wanted to sit with me at lunch and i said how i was sitting with you guys. He told me how you and him go way back" I explained, trying to clear the air. Katie gave a warm smile and went back to eating her pasta. Nathan was now looking backwards and forwards between Katie and Sam. Was there something that i had missed. I looked at Sam and noticed that he was giving Nathan not so friendly look. What was going on? I think having Sam eat with us wasnt such a good idea.


hello guys, im so so so sorry that i havent updated in like forever!!! i have been going through a rough patch and just havent had the time to come online and get writing. thank you all so much for hanging in there. i hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry it isnt the most interesting one but it will get better. i promise!!! lots of love ~DarcyJade~

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