|Welcome to the Rocky Horror Show|

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Chapter VIII

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Chapter VIII.
|Welcome to the Rocky Horror Show|

There was a time when Jane thought she was quite a broad-minded person.After all, she handled the fact that Rachel was some sort of demonic spirit from time to time, rather well.

She had even accepted that teenagers with green hair transforming into tigers at will was also possible.

But accepting being treated like less than nothing by some kind of robot, she didn't.

"Hey! Let go of me! I'm an honest citizen of this State! I have rights!"

"Because I don't have any?"The man robot told her as he pushed Rachel and Jane into a new room.

A living room according to Jane.

The latter immediately frowned at his reprieve."What? No.It's not what I mean."

"Make them go."

"What is this place?"Rachel snapped clearly at the end of the line."What are you people?"

Gar let out a sigh as Jane watched the huge metal man closely in suspicion."Chief call us the conventionally challenged.And this place is-"

"Take your daughter and go home."

Jane widened her eyes in indignation."Oh, come on! Do I look that old? Why does everyone think I'm her mother? No offense, Rachel."

Rachel barely gave her a look as she was more focused on the machine in front of them."Are... are... are you a robot? Or..."

"Here we go."The machine man grumbled,leaving Jane wincing.

"Well, the question still arises."

Gar put on a broad, excited smile as he turned to the girls."He's a robotman."

"Oh, fuck me."

"Yeah, obviously you've got some issues to sort out so ..."Jane commented clearly uncomfortable around the robot man before giving an urgent glance to the brunette looking curiously around."Rachel?"

Unfortunately, Gar took it upon himself to tell them the full story."Cliff was a race car driver.A pretty famous one,too. He got into a bad accident.His body was pretty much kaput.Chief managed to save his brain."

For emphasis, Gar banged against the sheet metal of his head, leaving the robot man to sigh in annoyance.

"Knock it off."

"What little there was left of it."

"Hey.They're gotta go before the Chief gets home."The robotic man insisted gravely as he grabbed Gar's collar.

Jane frowned clearly embarrassed at the sight before stepping in despite herself."Hey, leave him alone. Besides, who is this Chief you fear so much?"

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