| A Woman Version Of Dick |

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Chapter XVIII

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Chapter XVIII.

| A woman version of Dick |

"So, bird boy, uh?"

Jane instantly glared at Syd clearly not in the mood for her jokes.

She still couldn't believe she had lied to her all these years.

Worse yet, it turned out that she also had powers like everyone else.

She was manipulating the weather or something.

Honestly, was she the only normal person around her?

Well, and Bobby.

It was like she was some kind of weirdo magnet.

"Come on, Janey."Singsonged Syd as she approached her before putting on a supposedly cute face.Jane just narrowed her eyes at the blonde."Okay, I give up."

"You fucking lie to me!"Jane barked as she finally turned to the blonde."All those years...was there at least some truth to this?Hell, I bet you don't even really like cosplays parties."

Sydney immediately looked disgusted at the thought."Ew god no.They're horrible."

"Yeah,I know.I hate that too.Yet you made me go to more than a dozen of these parties!"Jane replied with a bitter laugh before showing herself with her hands in exasperation.

Sydney immediately left a snort."I still can't believe I managed to get you to go. It was a great moment."

Jane narrowed her eyes at the immeasurable selfishness in front of her.

She was literally at a loss for words.

Truth be told, if she had a gun right now, she probably would have shoot Sydney.

Multiple times.

However, she wasn't a violent person so she just let out an enraged cry instead.

Donna hurried into the living room quickly joined by Dick.

"Hey, hey, hey, what's going here?"She asked in confusion as she gave a puzzled look at the brunette pacing up and down her living room before glancing curiously at Sydney, waiting for an answer.

The latter shrugged her shoulders with a grimace."It's okay. We're just trying to work things out between us."

"Wait, wait, wait!"Jane suddenly exclaimed in memory before narrowing her eyes to Sydney in warning."What about the time you forced me to do this trek in the mountains?"

Sydney widened her eyes at the mere memory before letting another grimace contort her features.

Jane immediately let out a gasp in the realization before losing every hint of passivity inside her this time as she quickly scanned the room for a weapon.

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