| Dying sucks |

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Chapter XV.
|Dying sucks |


The dead calm.

This was what greeted Jane as she slowly regained consciousness.

It was as if she was experiencing an experience outside of her body.

She literally felt like she was floating in the air. There weren't even words to explain what she was really feeling right now.

She felt like she was high.

Except that this silence, this emptiness that surrounded her didn't seem like emptiness but more like a cold caress against her bare skin.

It almost made her forget the last few hours.

Unfortunately the images came back to her one by one, like in a movie.

She unrolled the reel until the nutcase's words resurfaced in her mind.

Jane jumped suddenly awake with her eyes wide open.

Unfortunately the straps around her wrists and ankles soon caught her in her start.

She collapsed helplessly against the metal plank she was resting on before slowly turning her head in an attempt to find her bearings in space.

She could feel a shiver suddenly take hold of her body. She looked down to try and look at her feet just to realize she was soaked to the bone.

They had taken the trouble to remove her shoes, leaving her in her pants and sweater now tight to her wet body.

She swallowed at the sight before reluctantly sniffing at the feel of her hair sticking to her face.

She let a sob pass her lips as emotions took over her mind.

She glimpsed at the famous lab from earlier before feeling her heart speed again at the sight of the woman on a higher balcony.

It made her realize why she felt like she was floating earlier.It was because she was literally suspended in a vacuum with link chains.

"No, no, no, no, no!"She panicked as she struggled against her restraints in a fighting spirit."Let me go! Let me go!"

Suddenly the woman leaned down to press an intercom, forcing Jane to stop as she heard her torturer's voice through the speaker."There's no point in struggling, Dr. Green."

"What do you want from me?"Jane finally cried clearly unable to regain control over her fear at this point.

Now it was coming back to her.

It wasn't the first time they had this conversation.

All those diving into that tub that was right below her.

The Diary of Jane _ Dick GraysonWhere stories live. Discover now