The blue haired boy

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In a few seconds you feel your face start to heat up for unknown reasons so you grab the first book you could grasp off your desk which was your favorite book (your favorite book name.) you let out a sigh as you use the book to cover your face

What has gotten into me

"What ya reading" Bennett says as he grabs the book from your hands. You let you a small squeal  "hmmm, I don't know you where into this type of book" he says examining every inch of your book. He then slams the book on your deck with a loud bang. You roll your eyes, "thanks" you say to him with a sarcastic tone. Chongyun lets out a chuckle "you guys are something else" as soon as he said that the bell ring. "Gotta go! I have science with Miss Lisa" Bennett says quickly standing up from his seat and rushing out the door.

"Soooo what class you going to?" You ask the boy siting next to you "hmm, oh I'm staying here for language arts" " oh Same!" You said with a wide grin. He looked almost surprised for a second then it turned to a happy smile. "Thats good" he said turning to look out the window. You couldn't see it but a hue of light pink had swept across his face.

The two of you waited in comfortable silence as people came in and out of the room. 5 or 10 minutes later Miss Jean introduceds herself again. " hello everyone, my name is Miss Jean and I am your language arts teacher." "Good morning Miss Jean!" The class says. " today's the first day so it will mainly be just getting used to the new class. But first, I need you to write me a little about yourself ." The whole class lets out a sigh " oh don't be like that it will be fun! Umm, Noelle, do can you pass out these papers for me?" "Sure thing Miss!" A girl with white hair stands up and goes to hand out the papers.

"I want you to fill this out and hand it in by the end of class" she said. You look down at the paper, it only has like 5 questions on it and there all like what type of person you strive to be when you grow up, you know what I mean. You sigh and role your eyes as you start filling out the sheet of paper. Most of the class was already done When you finished and put it on her desk. You return to your seat and waited for further instructions.

"Ok looks like everyone has finished" she said evening out the papers on her desk " you can now read or talk to the person next to you" she said sitting in her seat

You pick up your book and open to the page you were on before. A few minutes go by then you hear a voice behind you

" is that book any good?" You twirl in your seat to see Chongyun standing over your shoulder. "You scared me!" You said to the boy in a joking tone. A light pink hue once again swept over his face but you where to busy giggling to notice "Yeah it a REALLY good book, I've read it like 10 times!" You start explaining the book to him but he wasn't paying any attention to what you were saying. He kept his gaze focused on you as you spoke. "And that's the story!" You say in a victorious tone " that's a lot to take in" he said with a laugh.

"Umm excuse me..." you both turn to see two boys, one with a braid down to his rear and the other with two braids in the front.

"Im Aether and this is Venti, we wanted to introduce ourselves to the class" the kid now known as Aether said.

"Nice to meet you both!" You said with a smile

"Are you two dating?" The boy known as Venti asks

Your face started to heat up and Chongyun look like he was going to pass out. His face was brighter then a tomato and his mouth was a gap embarrassment.

"O-ohh no no we just meet, we're not a thing!" You say in a shaky voice. "Ohh My bad" He said scratching the back of his neck with an embarrassed smile. Chongyun was still in shock from what just happened. You waved your hand in front of his face but with no response.
"I killed him" Venti said with a surprised face.

He looks fine, he probably just gets flustered easy. He looks like a normal kid, he is kinda cute...

You lose your train of thought when someone starts violently shaking by the shoulders. " Ahh what is it!" you look to see Aether holding you by the shoulders and Venti siting at the desk with his hand on his face mustering " I killed them both, I'm going to jail aren't I..." over and over again. "There not dead Venti your ok" Aether says trying to calm the boy down. "I'm ok Venti and I think Chongyun is too!" Venti's head springs up, there are a couple tears running down his cheek. He let out a sigh and wiped the tears from his face. "Sorry about all that *sniff* I wasn't trying to kill you" Venti says in between sniffs. You go over and pat him on the head and smile.

Soon you guys were all laughing. ( expect Chongyun) Just as you guys stoped your outburst. The bell rang. everyone started getting up and leaving. You waved goodbye to the two boys as Aether helped the his friend out of the room. You turned to Chongyun as he was grabbing his book( and finally out of his shocked faze) and you two headed out of the room

You sigh "P.E. Next... yay" "oh I have P.E. As well" you looked up Chongyun with a smile. "PE is 10x better with a Friend!" You say as you skip down the hall leaving Chongyun in amazement

"A friend..."

(A/n again sorry if this was a shot one I will make longer ones in the future but it's had cuz I'm squeezing in time in between work so I'm sorry if it a bit messy! I hope your having a fantastic morning/evening/night!!)

Only if: Chongyun x Fem!reader - On BreakWhere stories live. Discover now