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"Umm I-I ah don't!!" He said as his face began to heat up even more

"Are you sure? From the way your face is bright red I beg to differ" Bennett but his hand on his shoulder as Chongyun covered his face with his hands "w-well I don't think so..." do I or do I not like her! I don't know right now. We've gotten really close as friends and I don't want to risk anything right away. It could just be a simple crush that will go away in the next week or it could be something completely different...

"YOUR NOT DEAD ARE YOU!?!" Bennett says grabbing his shoulder and shakes him. "No im fine, but what is it with people thinking they killed me."
"What do you mean?" Bennett asked in a questionable tone. "Well about that.." he lets out a sigh. "Ok just spit it out already" Bennett says a little aggravated. "Jez fine! On the first day of school a kid I think named Venti thoughts killed both y/n and I"
"Oh archons what did Venti do?" "Well you see.." he swallowed "h-he ask d if y/n and I were dating.."

Bennett was speechless for a few seconds looking like "😯" then collapsed on the floor laughing "uhh hey it's not THAT funny!" Chongyuns says with an embarrassed face. "Oh but it is!" Bennett says in between giggles. "Chongyun and y/n DATING! I'm sorry I'm sorry" he said getting up "oh I was going to use it for blackmail but is should show you anyways" Chongyun shot Bennett a suspicious glare as he took out his phone and showed Chongyun the picture of the two of you on the couch.

Bright red spreads across his face once again. Why is Bennett all of a sudden trying to embarrass me! Why me, i mean I am one of his best friends. But still, does he have a point

"I should go" he says getting up "oh yeah some people are coming over tomorrow and I was wondering if you could come?" Bennett asks Chongyun. Regaining his composure Chongyun turns to answer Bennett "well I don't have anything going on tomorrow to I suppose I can go" "Great see ya tomorrow!" Bennett says waving Chongyun goodbye. He goes back upstairs and flops down on his bed and opens his phone. The first thing what pops you was the picture of you and chongyun sleeping on the couch. "Y/n and Chongyun, hmm"

You wake up and glance at your phone, it 9:47. You let out a sigh as you get up and stretch. You let out a long yawn and throw some cloths on. Your mom greats you as you walk in the kitchen. "Good morning sweetie!" "Good morning mom! I'm off to Bennett's for the day, he envied some friends over! Love you!" You say walking out the door "love you too and be back by 10!" She says as you shut the door

You step out the door and start walking to Bennett's house when you hear a familiar voice call out your name. You turn to see Venti running up to you "oh so your also going to Bennett's I suppose" he said in between gaps "Umm yeah, and also scenes when do you live this close?" You ask "Umm scene I was born, I only live like a block away!" He said with a happy grin You returned his friendly smile as the two of you started to walk.

After a few moments of comfortable silence you decide to start a conversation "Sooo you know who's going to Bennett's?" "Hmm let me think" the boy put his hand on his chin "I know Aether come but who else.." he looked up and a small grin came across his face "and I KNOW Chongyun coming." He said with a little laugh. You gave him a confused look "how do you know that?"

"Cuz he's right behind you.."

From the way you were standing you couldn't see anything or anyone on the right side of you. You quickly turn and meet a pair of icy blue eyes

"hehe did I scare ya!"

You let out a small scoff "your glad I didn't whip you over my shoulder like the last time!" Your words slowly trailing off. There was a little pink on your face but you looked away quick enough so Chongyun didn't become suspicious.

Venti saw you quickly looking away but thought nothing of it (thank God)

The three of you make it up to Bennett's house and knock on the door "knock knock anyone home-" your hand didn't even leave the wood when it swung open. Bennett quickly looked at each one of you as the four of you stood there uncomfortable.

In a few seconds Venti walks in the house and pats Bennett on the shoulder "where's the fire! I'm ready to have some fun!" Bennett let out a sigh "yeah I guess your right." And walks in the house leaves you two standing there like :|

Chongyun goes in first as you hide behind him if there's any danger. You know safety first. He flushes a little when he feels you close behind him. The two of you walk in the room to see Aether and a kid with white long hair sitting on the couch.

"Ohh people are here!" The boy jumps up and walks/runs over to you. "I am razor, razor is Bennett's friend" you were touched by the boys kindness "hello razor! I'm y/n, I'm also Bennett's friend!" His eyes lit up "Bennett has more friends, that means Razor has more friends!" You felt like you were going to cry. (Tears of happiness)

This kids sooo sweet

(A/n sorry it took me so long to publish I tripped and sprained my ankle lmao. Hopefully next chapter will be out soon!)

Only if: Chongyun x Fem!reader - On BreakWhere stories live. Discover now