Adventure time

595 6 26

-warning: blood-

You wake up to the sound of your alarm. You let out a long sigh as you shut it off. "Bitch" you say to your clock as if it's a living thing. 

I should get ready to go meet Bennett

You roll out of bed, and I mean quite literally. You hit the floor this a thump. "Shit! I'm ok!" You quickly jump up and brush yourself off. "What a great way to start my day..."

You put on your clothes that you usually wear for exploring:

You put on your clothes that you usually wear for exploring:

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(Instead of purple just picture a light sky blue. And your cryo vision is on your back where the bow is 😃)

You head downstairs and say goodbye to your mom
"If anything happens..." "yes go straight to Barbra, yes I know! love you!" You say as you head out the door. You run to the place your going to meet up.

"Bennett!!" You yell as you approach the boy. He was in his normal adventuring clothes as well, his pyro vision swaying at his hip.

"Oh good your here I just got here myself!" He says with a goofy smile. "I can't wait to see what type of goodies we'll get today!"

It been awhile scene you've seen him this happy, in fact, you were super excited about this as well. "Alright let's go!"

You walked down the path for a bit until you spotted a hillichurl camp. You pull out your weapon, a long pole arm. It was white with a sky blue spiral design up the handle. On the top, the spear put of it was shape like a spade that was sharped on the sides..

"You ready"

"You know it!" You say with a smile as he took out his sword. You hit one of the hillichurls nocking it into some rocks. This caught all the others of guard. Bennett then want in with a charged attack making the rest fall backwards. You twirled your pole arm above your head summoning a whirl of ice. This left them frozen and Bennett went in with another charged attack finishing them off.

You took out a few more camps and gained some good loot. The sun was beginning to set. You look back at your friend and immediately know something's wrong. Bennett was holding his left arm, blood dripping down.

Bennett get injured almost very time you go out and you figured it was going to happen. You walk over to him and grin his hand. You sigh as you see the large cut across his arm. You untie your bow/sash and clip your vision on your collar. You tie up his wound with the make shift bandage. Crimson red blood instantly starts to seep through. "Y/n, I'm alright, don't worry about me!" He said with a smile. But you could see through his smile, he was in pain.

"We aren't that far from the Church so you think you can walk?"  You ask looking him in the eyes. "I'm fine! This happens all the time" he said with a chuckle.

He puts his unhurt arm around your neck and slowly make your way to the Church. You got some weird looks by people as you walked up the path and thought the door.

You walk in and immediately got the attention of the blonde girl that you have gotten very close with because of Bennett, being Bennett.

"Oh my, what have we got here!" Barbra said as she came over to you. "I'm ok I swear!" He said, quickly letting out a sharp gasp and clenching his arm.

"Oh my Bennett! You need to be more careful!" She said as she quickly began to examine his arm. She led to two of you in to a room were she had Bennett lay down on the bed. She then took of his shirt and your make shift bandage looking at the wound.

"My my Bennett, your like a regular patient!" He let out a small chuckle as Barbra began her healing. She had you go outside the room and sit down on a chair in the hall while she finished.

You took a seat and let out a long sigh. A few minutes later the door across from were you sitting someone, presumably someone who works with Barbra, come out followed by Chongyun.

You both make eye contact for a minute, stunted see each other. You sand you He rushes over to you. "Y/n what are you doing here! What happened! Your not hurt are you!" He began to ask, fear in his voice. "I'm ok, I'm ok, I'm just here for Bennett-"

"What the hell happened to Bennett" he said even more worried. "He's fine, we'll kinda"

"KINDA!" He said as he ran into the door you were sitting next to. Barbra let out a little squeak and Bennett's head shot up. "Hey man!" Bennett said waving at him with us good arm as you came into the room.

"Stay still! I can't heal you if you keep moving around!" Barbra said. "sorry!" Bennett rolled his eyes. "I will have to ask you to leave so I can finish healing." Barbra said a little annoyed. "I'll tell you what happened later!" Bennett said as you left the room. "I said hold still Bennett!!"

You go out in the all and you both take a seat. Your eyes fell to something you didn't notice before. A small black fluff was in Chongyuns hand. You could hear a slight purr. "C-Chongyun, what are you hold." You looked at you confused and the understood what you meant.

"We'll funny you ask. this is the reason I'm here" he said raising the small fluff in the air. It let out an aggressive meow. "I found him on the side of the road. it was hurt and hungry, I wasn't sure if it was going to make it..." his words trailing off as he looked down at the kitten.

"So I brought it here, hoping someone could save him, and they did" he stoked the animals head. "Does he have a name? You ask as you pet your new friend. "You can name him if you want." He said turning his head away. You look out the small window, it was starting to snow. It was the first snow of the season and it was pretty early to snow as well.

"It's snowing" you say, your mind trailing off. He hums a response. You had your head in you hand looking out the window as soft snow fell outside.
Chongyun couldn't take his eyes of you, how he wanted to feel your soft lips again his own. He wanted to be yours...

"Umm my moms out of town tight, would you like to come over for awhile, you could sleepover if you wanted to." Chongyun as he took in a deep breath. "Yeesss, let me check with my mom."
You pulled out your phone and texted your mom. "She said I could go" you said with a bright smile. "That's great" he said looking away trying not to show how nervous he really was.

You have gotten really close to Chongyun since you became friends. You consider him on not your closest friend. The two of you got up and waved at Bennett through the small piece of glass on the door. That Landry said that he would probably stay overnight and that she has already told his family.

You both exited the building and began your walk to Chongyuns house. The snow wasn't heavy and Chongyun had an umbrella with him.

You looked like lovers, taking a walk on a snowy day. And that wasn't all a lie.

(A/n thank you so much for reading!! Don't worry Bennett will make a full recovery, this happens a lot... but yeah stay tuned for next chapter!!( also this is not prof read or anything lmao :3)

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