First Beta

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"Is she here?" Hope asked immediately, walking into the compound to find Stiles pacing the courtyard, his hands unable to stay still, a nervous tick that he had.

"Yeah, yeah, she is," Stiles said.

Hope noticed the crazy look in Stiles' eyes,"What happened?"

"There was somebody else there," Stiles said, trying to keep his voice from shaking,"They almost killed her, threw her off a bridge."

"Is she okay?" Hope asked immediately.

"Yeah, she's fine," Stiles said,"But to keep her from falling to her death I had to bite her."

"Okay..." Hope said, wondering why that was so terrible,"So?"

Stiles gave her an incredulous look.

Then Hope remembered when Stiles had told her how werewolves in his universe populate.

Hope's hands flew to her mouth, as if to hold back a scream. A million questions pouring into her mind, could a witch even be turned into a Beta? Maybe normal witches, but Lizzie was a siphoner she could become a vampire and retain her ability to use magic. Maybe it was the same thing for her.

"Stiles...where is she right now?" Hope asked hesitantly.

Stiles winced,"Upstairs...lying down."

When they both had gone upstairs to the bathroom, Hope swept the shower curtain back to reveal Lizzie covered in duct tape, a gauze bandage wrapped around her wrist where the bite was, she flinched when she saw them, then she tried shouting at them through the duct tape. And they both knew that if they took the duct tape off that there would definitely be a lot of curse words.

Stiles slowly pulled the curtain back in front of her, as she continued to shout angrily.

Hope and Stiles sat on their bed, recounting the events that had happened.

"So you bit her?" Hope asked.

"Yeah," Stiles said like he was in a daze.

"And you kidnapped her?"

"Did you have a better idea?" Stiles replied.

"You know usually your plans are a lot better than this," Hope commented.

"I didn't exactly have a lot of time to think about it, did I?" Stiles retorted.

"So...she could become a werewolf," Hope said.

"Unless it kills her," Stiles said.

There was another muffled shout from the bathroom.

"So...what do we do?" Hope asked.

They exchanged looks, and soon Lizzie was seated in front of them.

"Okay, Lizzie, I'm going to take the tape off," Hope told her,"If you scream, it just goes right back on."

Lizzie glared at her for a moment, before finally nodding.

Hope ripped it off quickly and Lizzie hissed in pain.

"Okay...Lizzie," Stiles said,"I'm sure you've seen a lot of confusion things lately, and I know you already have seen a lot of confusing things, but this is a whole new kind of confusing things that will probably make more confusing things happen because of the confusing things that happened tonight. Do you understand?"

Lizzie looked at Stiles like he had two heads before finally answering,"No."

"Good," Stiles said,"That's very very good."

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