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Stiles tapped his foot on the ground, his elbows braced on his knees, sitting down in the chair across from him was Morrell, the former Emissary of the Alpha pack.

"I understand if you don't trust me, Stiles," She said,"The last time we saw each other it was on different sides of the wrong battle."

Stiles only glared at her.

"When Alan called me I could hardly believe that you were alive, much less become something you had been so averse to in the past. Do you know how that happened?"

Stiles only leaned back in his chair crossing his leg over the other.

"Alan had the theory that the Dread Doctors made you into this," Morrell continued,"But I don't believe it. Why would they turn you into something that could kill the Beast? The very thing that they've worked two centuries to resurrect."

"Good observation," Stiles said, speaking for the first time to her in almost fifteen months for him, but only five for her.

"So, the question remains...What are you?"

Stiles leaned forward, a smirk that came with being a part of the Mikaelson family spread across his face,"Did you think Scott was the only True Alpha?"

Morrell looked at him for a moment, like deciding whether or not he was telling the truth, she let out a dry chuckle,"I guess I shouldn't be that surprised, it seems everyone around here seems to think the laws of nature are just guidelines."

Stiles only nodded,"Nature's a bitch, huh?"

"What I find interesting is your other powers. Scott said that you conjured fire only from words. I'd say it was a spell."

"Magic offers all kinds of powers," Stiles said, extending a hand and Morrell's notepad flew into his hand,"Whatever happened to taking notes after the session?" He said, reading them,"Possible severe cases of PTSD? Not wrong there, been through a lot of shit in the past fifteen months."

Morrell broke out of the shock of seeing Stiles use telekinesis for the first time,"Fifteen months—"

He held up a finger, silencing her,"Body language shows signs of extreme loss. That's true, but that's all they are, lost. Not dead. Well, at least I'm lost. I'm just trying to get back home. So, since you're a Druid, maybe you can tell me a little bit. How can I get from one universe to another?"

"What?" Morrell said in confusion,"That's impossible."

Stiles sighed,"I'm starting to get deja vu. Fine, then," He stood, going to the door,"Do me a favor and tell my Dad that we had a nice long talk filled with lots of emotions. If you don't, your not gonna like my reaction."

"If I didn't know any better I'd say that sounded like a threat," Morrell told him.

Stiles turned to glare at her,"Well, do you?"

"Do I what?"

"Know better?" Stiles said and his eyes flashed in a warning.

Morrell looked down, agreeing to his terms.

"Good," Stiles said walking out of the room.

Change Of View

Hope stood alone in her room at the Salvatore school, looking at a blank canvas several paints gathered on the table beside her.

Everyone was being too nice to her, it was intoxicating. The only place she could be safe was in her room. Hope grabbed her phone, putting on a random song that was on her playlist.

Home Sweet by Russell Dickerson.

Hope finally picked up a few paints and squeezed them onto her palate. It had been months since she last painted, with everything that had been happening with the wedding and Aurora she just hadn't had the time.

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