Demon Wolf

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Derek stood outside the McCall home, and Scott walked out, looking at him with a smile,"I'm glad you're here. We need your help--"

"I already know about Stiles, Scott," Derek interrupted,"He came to me in L.A. asking for help."

"What?" Scott said, caught off guard,"Are you okay, did he hurt you or Braedan?"

"All he did was wound my pride," Derek admitted,"He just wanted me to tell you that you don't have to be afraid of him. He's not gonna hurt any of you."

"He's killed people, Derek," Scott reminded him.

"So have I," Derek retorted.

"This is different, you've changed ever since..." He trailed off.

"Ever since I lost my Alpha power, right?" Derek asked,"Turns out it was never really gone," He said, his eyes glowing red,"Hunters are being turned into vampires all over California, you must have seen it. Mass murders, people drained of all blood. Why haven't you..." He stopped himself, realizing something,"You thought it was all Stiles, didn't you?"

"We don't know him anymore, Derek," Scott said,"Look at you, who did he make you kill in order to change your eyes back?"

"He didn't make me kill anyone. He gave this to me, you still don't know what he is. He's not just a Beast or a True Alpha, he has the power of thousands of Alphas. And part of having that, is to make all werewolves stronger, even you and yours."

"Leave them out of this!" Scott growled, his eyes flashing in warning, baring his fangs and flicking out his claws.

Derek growled back, his fangs growing, his brow furrowed, his head jerked to the side as the shift took hold. His skin darkened, becoming black like his fur when he went full wolf, similar black hair sprouting from his cheeks. And when he opened his eyes they glowed. Scott had only one thing in comparison to it, Deucalion as the Demon Wolf.

He roared, not a big one, but enough for Scott to get the point, he was stronger than him now

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He roared, not a big one, but enough for Scott to get the point, he was stronger than him now.

Change Of View

Stiles sat alone on a catwalk, looking down at Satomi's pack as they practiced with their new shifts. Each one was unique, the only similarity was that they looked more like a wolf.

It was times like these where he missed his own pack, he couldn't power them up like he could with these kinds of werewolves because of their other wolf half, something that already allowed them a stronger shift.

He probably could, with Lizzie though, make her a stronger werewolf, while she continued to retain her witch magic.

Satomi approached him, making him stand up,"I have made contact with the Primal. They are willing to meet. But they are known for rejecting anything that makes them human."

"Then they'll take the power gladly. It'll just make them more animal," Stiles replied in a monotone voice.

"Are you...alright?" Satomi asked hesitantly.

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