Night Of Love

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Hope and Stiles smiled at each other as they went back to their room, then they stopped when they saw what Aurora had done to it,"She made our room...into a torture chamber," Hope growled.

Their room, like the rest of the compound was changed, the kitchen was a slaughter house, workout room where she kept all the dead bodies of her victims, and their room with several blades, a spiked mace, and other torture devices.

"I got it," Stiles said, closing his eyes in concentration and it all disappeared, and being replaced with all their usual things which had been thrown carelessly out of the compound.

"So you have all your powers back now? Even mine?" Hope asked.

"Yeah, and they're stronger than ever," Stiles said, and to show her, he pulled her forward with a bit of telekinesis, and he grabbed onto her waist kissing her deeply.

"What exactly happened?" Hope asked,"I mean, I know that you never really lost your powers, that you were just evolving, but what happened out there was crazy."

"I know, I know," Stiles said,"So, you know how nature just loves screwing up our lives? Well this time it screwed it up, but not terribly. Nature made you to be the loophole for Malivore, they made me to be the loophole for the gods."

"Godkiller," Hope realized, her eyes going wide, remembering that dream she had all those years ago,"That's you?"

Stiles nodded,"Yeah, apparently."

"How could you shift so fast? When I shift it still takes a lot out of me," Hope asked.

They both sat down on their newly restored bed as he explained,"It's hard to explain, it's like each form I have is just as natural as my human one. Like pouring water into a different shaped cup, I guess. Does that make sense?"

Hope nodded, then asked,"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm more than okay," He said, kissing her again,"I feel like things are finally starting to look up."

"Quick, knock on wood," Hope joked, knocking on the wooden nightstand.

Stiles laughed, and they started kissing again, quickly growing more heated.

"At least sex will be better now," She said, swinging her legs over Stiles's waist so she sat in his lap.

"Was it not before? I mean, I know my stamina wasn't the best when I was human, but..." He trailed off when he noticed Hope blushing,"Have you been holding back?"

Biting down on her bottom lip, she held up an inch space between her pointer finger and thumb.

"I'm kind of offended," Stiles said, twisting them both around and pinning her against the bed, their lips only inches from touching,"You didn't think human me could handle it?"

Hope cocked her head to the side, then with her Alpha Tribrid strength flipped Stiles over so she was back on top of him, kissing him roughly,"No I don't think human you could handle it," Hope whispered, her hands pushing up into his shirt, feeling the muscle and the starts of his tattoo on his sides.

Stiles scoffed,"That may have been then, but now however..." With a blur of speed Hope was back on bottom, her head resting on the pillows, her hands just above it, her wrists pinned by one of Stiles's hands, half of her clothes along with his now missing,"I might have to hold back for you."

She wrestled her hands free and pulled him down for a kiss,"Don't you dare," She growled against his lips.

Change Of View

Freya and Lizzie used their magic to return everything to its original form, all the black fading away, the dead bodies cleared out of the compound, the bloody fountain turning back to water.

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