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A banging on their door shook Hope and Stiles from their slumber.

They scrambled up from the floor, throwing open the door to reveal Freya, her eyes full of panic,"She took them. While we were distracted, she took all the tablets."

"All of them?" Hope asked, wide eyed.

Freya nodded,"She took them from my house when we brought Klaus, Elijah, and Hayley home."

Stiles pushed past Freya, running down the stairs and into the basement where Percy was encircled in a prison made from a salt circle, a black candle burning so he could use his magic to get out.

"Get up," Stiles snarled, stopping at the border.

Percy smiled, standing up,"I take it you found out what Aurora did."

"Where are they?" Stiles growled.

"Careful with that growling, or you might start sounding like a werewolf again," Percy said.

"Where. Are. The tablets!" Stiles said, his hands curling into fists.

"You know...I was the one to figure out how to transfer power from the Omegas into our supernaturals," He said,"But then Agatha took credit for it."

"Boo-hoo," Stiles said,"You gonna tell me, or am I going to have to torture you?"

"I put a bit of the power inside myself at first," Percy said,"And it was amazing, the strength, the power. But it burns off easily, the more you use it, the faster it goes. I lost most of it, but I still have a spark left."

Percy's eyes then glowed blue, and Stiles backed up a step,"Holy shi--"

With a punch, Percy blasted past the barrier, knocking down Stiles.

Percy put the candle out and ran, using the last of his supernatural enhancements to run out of the compound and into the garage where he grabbed the first vehicle he knew how to drive.

Hope's motorcycle.

The Mikaelsons all rushed out to the front of the compound just in time to see Percy passing by, he smirked gloatingly, flipping them off.

Klaus tried to run forward, but he couldn't get past the threshold. The doorway lit up blue, and he bounced backward, landing on his ass,"What is this magic?" He demanded, seeing black ash across the doorway.

"Mountain ash," Hope said, placing a hand against the barrier and it lit up blue,"Nothing supernatural can pass it."

The sound of another motorcycle engine roared to life, and Stiles zoomed by on a dirtbike, glancing at them only once before following Percy.

"Please be careful," Hope mumbled.

Stiles weaved between cars, shifting gears quickly as he chased after Percy.

Percy was on the faster bike, so Stiles would have to outsmart him.

Looking around for some kind of way to get ahead of him, he spotted one.

"Shit," Stiles said out loud, the wind rushing through his hair,"Just don't hit any people."

Stiles moved to the far right, going up onto the sidewalk, glancing at Percy to make sure he was still going the same direction.

Stiles turned into a grass field that was most likely a dog park, the back tire spinning, kicking up grass and dirt behind him.

"Please don't kill me, Hope," Stiles mumbled, going back onto the street in front of Percy's bike, then he jerked the steering to the right, causing the back tire to slip out and hit the front tire of Percy's bike.

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